Thursday, April 9, 2009

Once Upon A December

Oh my gosh *dies* people commented on the last post. SIGNS OF LIFE! Thank you Sarah and Brenda for proving that you exist!!!!!

Ah, the wonders of Hulu. I get to watch Anastasia!

So I spent a good portion of my day *cough*many hours*cough* looking up hairstyles on photobucket (what better place?) because I want to cut my hair Saturday and didn't know what to do. Big shock, I'm going to cut it pretty short. Like, shoulder length. Or an inch below. But that's a big thing for me: I've always had long hair. And also looking at how I should dye it. I am thinking of having the underlayers of my hair black with the top part staying blonde. I might dye it a lighter blonde just for kicks. Now I just have to run the hairstyle past my mother *cringes*. I am NOT going to talk about dyeing it with her. She'll probably flip out.

Why is Miley Cyrus on Teen Vogue this month? She's a witch with a capital "B". No one likes her except naive six year olds. No offense to them. Does she not understand this?

My writing has been almost nonexistent for the past few days and I don't know why. It's not like I have anything better to do. I actually wrote some today and then totally had to talk to my brother *cringes again* and ask him about a type of gun for my writing. I had to ask about a large, automatic gun that is carried by the military because I don't know any and my computer blocked all the sites that would tell me. In the end, we decided on an M248 SAW. It's a gun, not a saw. Oh, that reminds me I have to send my first story to Emu-Friend Kris. He asked me what, a week ago? Ha...I knew I was forgetting something.

So I'll hit post now and go email Emu-Friend Kris and read Teen Vogue again.

~Less-Lonesome Blogger


SBBan said...

see i good friend! ok, me luv u lanna louiver beaver, miss u!

SBBan said...

oh, about the hair, i know u like it long, but because u have straight thinner hair u could have the hair cut i want but cant have, really short with that whole messy layered look, i cant exactly explain it but it would look really cool... i dont think u should dye it, it looks so nice blond, and yes im aware u hate it... she arent i nice, i commented 2 times!

Alanna said...

thank you sarah you are so truely wonderful how ever will i express my gratitiude?

SBBan said...

well u know, i was just trying to be helpful, why do u have to be so mean to me?! (sobs uncontrollably) i (sniffles) was (sniffles) oh... (bawls) ok well i thought the hair cut advice was nice... your just so abusive...

Alanna said...

*pats you on head* it's okay, you'll get over it. *walks away*

And thank you for the advice

SBBan said...

the cruelty, i will never ever recover.... my heart, has been hurt beyond repair, i will now go and die in a hole!