Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Hello PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT HERE. No one's on blogger anymore *sad*. I bet everyone's on Twitter which my parents blocked. Jeez, what's so awful about Twitter that it is block-worthy? I would like to know. To stem my pain from the lack of everyone's posting, I've been watching Buffy The Vampire Slayer on Hulu. They only have the first three seasons, so I'm sad. Has anyone else seen it? I've been telling my friends about what I'm watching and none of them have seen it, so I want to know if my Buffy rants will be understood by anyone else. I think my friends are getting confused. Anyways, for the people who have seen it: does anyone else feel like Buffy is kinds clingy to Angel in season two? I know he's soulless part of the time, but even then she's all mopey and annoying. See, even though the season finale made me cry (Buffy stabs Angel), I loved that episode because of Spike. He's my faaavorite character.

Spike: "What? Your mom doesn't know?"

Buffy's Mom: "Know what?"

Buffy: "That... I'm in a band. A rock band. With Spike."

Spike: "She plays the triangle."

Ah...classic. He's basically the best part. I know gets with Buffy in later seasons, but I fully appreciate him when he's an evil, sadistic, soulless vampire. Oh, but how I love him.
~Lonesome Blogger


SBBan said...

yeah buffy pretty gangsta, well i dunno twitter always seemed pretty stupid to me, but whatever, well i just dont like the post anymore way to much effort and its fun to see you annoyed, well not see but i know your annoyed... oh so, um about this summer, ur flying down right? with parent?

X-GoneBeyondRepair-X said...

this is veery weird cause I was just on twitter (the only reason I ever made one if to know whats up with mcr and now william and sisky have one too) and I was looking around and miley cyrus, selna gomez, demi lovato, and millions of other disney stars have twitter, I'm very scared