Saturday, September 5, 2009

There's No Escape - I'm So Afraid

I know I should be thankful for everything I have. And I am, really. But I want more. Is that so selfish? Lately, especially, I've been getting in these moods where it feels like I'm completely alone and that no one really cares what I have to say. And also I start getting mad at myself for the stupidest things. I'm in one of those moods and just wish I was someone else, somewhere else. Anywhere but here; anyone but me. I have such a good life, and I know it. Today is proof of that: I got a new guitar, painted my room, had my hair done, and it was just great. So why do I feel like crap? I'm so selfish. I admit it freely. And I'm cruel to other people. I say things without speaking, and regret it later.

I should have known my day would end like this, just based on my morning. I had a dream last night and woke up crying. It was over nothing, really. I mean, it wasn't a nightmare or anything. I don't even remember it. And I don't think I want to know.

Why can't I just be happy? Just happy with no doubts, or sadness, or anger? And yet I know the answer. It's like everything else. God gives us trials so we can prove that we deserve this life. I chose life over death already. Now I just have to prove that I deserve it. And I want to. But I don't want to hurt. I don't want to be afraid. I don't want to have to think that I'm a horrible person, or that I'm not good enough. And the thing that scares me the most is that those feelings were all a part of my depression. I don't think its come back, but I'm afraid it will. Who knows how much more I can take from people? From myself? From that voice in the back of my head that tells me everything that I don't want to hear.

My life hasn't been perfect. I would be a liar if I said it was. But it could've been worse, I know that for certain. I've watched people fall deeper and deeper from my cozy spot at the top of the hole for too long. And I've tried to help. But its never been enough. Why can't I save them?

Who have I become? The idea that the little blonde girl in the picture downstairs is me is something entirely too complicated for me to fathom. Too often do I look in the mirror and wonder who it is that looks back at me. It's not bad. It's not good. It's simply a moment of amazement. I'm sure you remember that extremely long post about time God-knows-how-many months ago? I simply wonder what happened to all the time. How was I a kindergartner with pink jeans and a red velvet shirt one second, and a black-wearing post-suicidal teenager the next? What happened to all the time?! Where the heck did my childhood go?! I don't remember having one. It was always goodbyes and worries and never knowing what was going to happen. Most people cam dream about graduating from a certain high school, but I don't even know how long I'll be at Madison. Or how many schools I'm yet to go to. You know Madison is my ninth school? Ninth grade, ninth school. How the hell am I supposed to be a normal child after everything? Everything?! Having nightmares for months about my parents dying, never being able to be friends with someone for more than a few years, getting sucked into the popular clique because I so desperately wanted to have something to hold onto. And after everything, who am I?

A face in the crowd. A voice in the din. A data point. A statistic. An outlier. Who am I? No one. I'm no one of consequence.

But I will be someone. I'll be someone, mark my words. I'm not going to be a face in the crowd, a voice in the din, a data point, a statistic, or an outlier. I'm going to be someone. Someone worth knowing, someone who means something to other people. And that's what my life is for, I think. To mean something to someone else. What are we, if we don't mean anything to anyone? If we're the girl down the street, or the boy in the back? The ones that no one notices. The ones that no one cares about.

I will make a difference. I will change someone's life for the better. I'm tired of labels and just being another person. No, I'm done with that. This year marks the end of me being afraid and insecure. Because I know that no matter how bad things get, I am strong enough to get through and prove that I deserve this life. I will not be an embarrassment to God. Or to anyone else.

I will be me.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Writing Fail

It's been nine months since I started my sequel. You know, my first book only took me five months to write. Ugh. And it's been almost 13 months since I started my first book. My goal - I SWEAR TO YOU I WILL REACH THIS GOAL - is to have it published by the end of the school year. And then the story I started last month is just over 50 pages long at this point. Pretty good, no? Just wanted to update you on my other failures.


Emily's Wish

(Sorry to all my usual readers - I needed some way to post this info since I'm not sure how to do this on FB yet. Just ignore this post if you don't live near me)

Okay, this is the email - in its entirety - from the Mandells.

Dear Family and Friends,

We thought it was about time for us to introduce to some, and remind others, of a benefit concert we are having in honor of Emily named Emily’s Wish. We decided to send you an email because of your participation in Emily’s carepage, and once again we can’t thank you enough for all the love and support you showed us during the past year.

Emily's Wish is a fundraiser committed to raising awareness and funds for pediatric brain tumors. We have reserved Jammin’ Java, a really cute coffee shop in Vienna, VA from 2-4pm on September 13th, 2009. We have booked Rocknoceros, which is a really fun, family friendly band. There will also be a silent auction, and we will even be raffling off an iPod Touch! All proceeds for the event will go to the “Cure ATRT Now” Fund, which supports research and collaboration between scientists and oncologists that are working to find a cure for ATRTs, Emily’s tumor type.

At the event, we will also be recognizing all the runners and walkers participating in the Baltimore Half Marathon in honor of Emily by calling them up on stage and presenting them with a t-shirt! Needless to say it should be a really fun day and if all goes well, we would like to make this an annual event. We can only sell 200 tickets so buy yours online soon, and kids less than one don’t need a ticket!

Jammin’ Java has the event up on their website, and you should be able to buy tickets now, just click on the link below.

If you cannot attend Emily’s Wish and still want to contribute, please feel free to donate to the Jimmy Fund Walk link below. We are participating as Virtual Walkers, and once again all proceeds will be going to the Cure ATRT Now Fund.

Thank you all for supporting this very important endeavor and making a difference in our children’s lives. Feel free to contact us at if you have any questions, and we hope to see you on September 13th at Jammin’ Java!

So if some people could go it'd be awesome.


Gunshots Ring Out In The Night

I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow! Not dyed, according to mother, but I'm still hopeful.

Ah, shit. This Psych episode is scary as hell! Oh, I'm insulted now; the possesed girl is speaking German...apparently that is "spouting a demonic language." How wonderful. However, I am happy that I knew what she was saying.

Eh My God, A Tree

It's rather perplexing, Facebook. I don't feel as if I can really let everyone know what's on my mind like I can on Blogger. I suppose it's mostly the fact that the people I'm friends with are my friends, but not close enough that I really want them to now about all my issues. Besides, I like to rant. And it seems that isn't something that you can really do in FB. That fact is truly saddening. So Blogger is going to remain my favorite social-networking-type site, never fear.

Anyways, I'm rewatching Fruits Basket since I finished Ouran High School Host Club for the second time. Ah, I have missed Haru and Kyo. Although I'm still not sure what side of the fence Haru is on.... Still love him though!

Last night (ON YOUTUBE!) I as watching the bloopers for OHSHC. It's so funny what the people who are doing the voice overs say when they forget lines. The guy who does the voice of Tamaki says "crap" every five seconds, and the man who does Kyoya starts babbling. Actually, the girl who does the voice of Haruhi reminds me a lot of Julianne (from camp - Sarah knows her). It's very amusing. Oh, and my favorite line from the bloopers is: "Don't worry: I'm just crushing this child. Your mother here told me to." Or perhaps: "I HATE YOUR FACE." Also, was anyone aware that Honey was voiced by a girl? Same with the little boy in one of the first episodes that wanted to be Tamaki's apprentice.

Anyways, I'm starting school Tuesday. I'm pretty nervous once I start thinking about it, but otherwise I don't even care.

Damn it, I'm really hungry and my dad won't let me eat anything. I have my own box of Fiber One bars, but have already eaten half of it. Oh, screw it, I'll eat another. *inhales snack bar* I'M STILL HUNGRY!

*eats cash in wallet* Still hungry....

*eats cell phone*

*eats space bar*



Thursday, September 3, 2009

I Am Not Afraid Of This Flashlight

Ah, ha! Watch the first tape in this video. I could never find that video, but there it is! This is an episode from my favorite segment on CNN. It's the Daily Distraction, hosted by Jarrett Bellini (who is amazing), and it's on every day. So amazing.

Okay, somehow this program was downloaded onto my computer that's trying to make me correct my typing. For instance, in this post alone, it's told me to change "every day" to "everyday." Which is INCORRECT. Then it did the stupid "incomplete sentence" thing for that last sentence in the paragraph above. Hey, it's like that for a REASON. It's also decided that "correct" should be capitalized, as should "last." So screw that program that's trying to screw up my typing. Oh, now "my" should be capitalized. REALLY?! And it's saying something about putting a comma behind the word "after," which I cannot find. Except the one in that last sentence. *sigh* What the hell is this program?

Oh, I forgot my good news! My dad finally unblocked Youtube and Facebook! So I can use both, and have been watching Ouran High School Host Club in English. Well, the episodes that I wasn't able to before. But I was quite sad in one episode where they changed my favorite line. "I have deduced that your imagination has no coherence whatsoever" has become something like: "I've decided that your daydreams make so sense whatsoever." Which is a fail on their part. I also started watching livelavalive and have totally fallen in live with Mitchel Davies...and his hair.

I discovered that I have over $100 in my wallet...not sure how it got there but I assure you that I didn't steal it. I think. I hope. *shifty eyes*

Hahaha, I love Reggie Aqui from CNN. "No, she's not crazy. She's stupid." He's so funny, even though he tries to be cool. It's like Tamaki but without the "daddy" stuff. Here is el linko to the particular video I'm referencing. It's the second tape in the video. He and Naamua are the best pair on

My mother is beginning to annoy me with the "wiser than thou" act. For one, she's decided that I'm too young to psychoanalyze my own habits and behaviors. Then there's the: "I know you better than you do" thing. Oh, really? I'm so much of a child that I can't understand myself? That's great. Really great.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I Have Deduced That Your Imagination Has No Coherence Whatsoever

I feel like crying I'm so sad about this show ending. It's so ridiculous that I love it, but it's the last episode ad I'm basically writing this post without looking. I have Internet Explorer on half the screen and Firefox on the other half. Well, this is depressing. This show has always been ridiculous, ad now that it's serious I'm not sure what to make of it. On the other hand, I feel like punching Lady Eclair in the face. *eye twitch* Oh, I don't think I can deal with these shows that don't show who ends up with who. It pisses me off more than anything in these shows. I honestly don't believe this....

Anyways, today is Bill and Tom Kaulitz's birthday! Yay! Happy birthday!

I love he's so ignorant that he's completely in love with Haruhi. I still don't get why he decided that he's her "daddy." And he's so obnoxious that you just have to love him. Of course, it's plainly obvious at times that he's very intelligent. He's very immature, but extremely intelligent. He's also an inherently good person.

Now the twins are something else entirely. Thinking of them brings the word "incest" to mind, actually. They're great, and I love them to death (my favorite is Hikaru, though). At the beginning it was a bit awkward, of course. Then you just get used to it. And once you see them sleeping together you're just like: "Okay." Creepy how the Japanese think that incest is fine *cough* Vampire Knight *cough*. There was this other show, too. About this boy falling i love with his step-sister. Yeah.... The twins make it less creepy, I think. They're just adorable as well.

Then there's Kyoya, whose quote is the title of this post. Talking to Tamaki, no less. Kyoya is probably the most difficult one to understand out of all the Host Club members, for me. I became a bit worried in the episode where he tries to make a point and tries to make Haruhi think that he's going to rape her. That was...awkward. Love him, though.

I really dislike Honey, finding him extremely irritating and childish. He's supposed to be seventeen, but acts - and looks- like he's six. I definitely prefer Momigi.

Okay, anime ramblings are over. I'll have something a bit more interesting to post tomorrow, since I'm aware that no one knows (or cares) who/what I'm talking about. But, like I've said before, this blog is for ME and not for YOU.

So there.