Monday, September 29, 2008


Hey people! So today was Monday, which sucked as usual. Blablabla, class after class, then it was over.

MILLIE SECTION-We texted Millie on the bus, but she had Allie's phone and was sitting about, ah, a foot and a hlaf away from me. Ya see, we don't talk. Or text using our own phones. So I used mine and she used Allie's. Also, this morning she said loudly "I hate Tokio Hotel, they suck!" which, understandably, made me feel happy. Ugh, i don't know why I'm giving her her own section.

Now, I think it's time to say more about myself (Like you haven't already died from reading this). This is what i shall call The Hopes And Dreams Rant. Yeah, it has to be bold. What I really want to do is sing; it's something I've wanted to do since second grade, although I don't think anyone actually knows this, although Makayla might remember, but I doubt it. But, in terms of short-term goals, I want to be published; with my not-so-short story. I love to write, it's one of my best friends. And I don't write only stories. Poems, songs, random little notes about what I've named a squirrel are among the other things I write. Something I want to help achieve that would affect everyone is to try to help people become more accepting of people who are different. Ya, all are created equal, discrimination is illegal, blablabla, CUT THE CRAP PEOPLE. I know being judged by what you look like. For one, I have blonde hair and blue eyes and I'm German. I've been called a Nazi many times. All I want to do to people who've said that to me is flick them off. Seriously. Also, I'm one of those cool people who is stereotypically labeled as "emo" or "goth". I HAVE HAD RANDOM PEOPLE I DONT EVEN KNOW COME UP TO ME AND CALL ME EMO. I DO NOT CUT MYSELF, I CRY WHEN I GET A PAPERCUT FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE! SO SERIOUSLY PEOPLE, LEAVE ME ALONE! And the fact I am blonde and "goth" makes more people judge me because I'm supposed to be all slutty and preppy. Really, that's the blonde stereotype. Which is why I'm going to dye my hair black.

Anyways, I needed to rant a little. Auf wiedersechen, meine freunde.

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