Tuesday, September 30, 2008

School Rants, Alex Pham (Pilz-kopf!), English, und Christmas Magazines

Hallo, guten tag! First, I would like to thank Brenda who ACTUALLY READS MY UPDATES AND COMMENTS ON THEM (sometimes). Hope that didn't make anyone feel bad. :) Just kidding. Anyways, I guess I had a pretty good day at school. The first five minutes were the best. And no, not because I didn't have to actually think. Because I got to slap, cuss at, and flick off Alex Pham. Who? Alex pham is the person I hate the most in the world, probably tied with Millie even. So that made me smile. I'm pretty sure our Time To Soar teacher hates us (Time To Soar is like free period for people not residing in Fairfax County). I swear to God that someone in my TTS class is going to kill her. Seriously, we are ALL going to fail classes because of her. She doesn't let us go anywhere with out a pass from the teacher we're going to, even when NO OTHER teacher does that, and the teachers we're supposed to go to don't write passes, just say to tell the TTS teacher to let us go. People have their grades on the line. Like, people can get C's in a class if they don't finish a project/assignment in TTS. I want to make a petition to make that non-mandatory so we can actually get CLASS WORK done. Free period is being able to go see teachers, not sitting at assingned desks, perfectly quiet, while the teacher yells at us for over half the time. THAT IS NOT FREE PERIOD.
And, in chorus, we are singing a song about a train (SO STUPID!) thats boring and way too high for me (I can sing most of the bass part, but not a "B"). So, today I turned in that STUPID FLYING ENGLISH PROJECT, that I was up until like 10:45 doing, and I feel like a figurative weight has been lifted off my shoulders. :)
Lastly, my dad has this Marine Corps christmas magazine we got in the mail. Pretty hamless, right? Wrong. They sell like two pages of knives, pistols, assult rifle cases, shoulder holsters, leg holsters, et cetera. The front of it has semi-automatic assult rifles (Don't ask how I know what they are, I have no idea) arranged in a cone-like position with christmas lights around them. Like a demented Christmas tree!
Great idea! (Just kidding, no one mention I said that to Amber)

Guten Abend Meine Freunde

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