Tuesday, January 27, 2009
De Rio Secreto, Es Muy Bien!
I haven't slept more than eight hours in the past few days...goodnight........
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Story Update
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Greetings From Mexio
So how's life? Must be nice not having to fly on two different planes and have a layover for almost three hours at Atlanta....
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Tell Me Why We Live Like This
Oh, much better, my cat sat on my computer. Greeeaaat. Now I hate everything... -_-
Does anyone have a day where they just can't stop listening to something that isn't what they're normally obsessed with? Today, for me, it's Paramore. See, I like Paramore. I hate how they got so mainstream. But whatever.
Also, if anyone wants to be my bestest friend, can you find the English translation to Sakura Sake by Arashi? They're a Japanese pop band. :) And my compy blocks like every site that looks promising. So pwitty pwease if anyone wants to waste valuble time on a random whim of mine, pweasey!
BIG BREAKING NEWS!!!!!! I TOLD AMBER THAT SHE NOW GETS TOM, AND SHE SAID "OK, SURE." !!!!!!!!!!! Only Brenda would get this, I'm guessing. Ambie didn't protest or ANYTHING. She sounded, not happy, really, (when is she ever?) but OK with it. Secretly pleased, maybe.
Ew, why did my cat decide to lick my computer screen? It has kitty spittle on it now. -_-
Saturday, January 17, 2009
It Should Stay Like This
Ich Und Ich - So Soll Es Bleiben
It should stay like this
Ich warte schon so lange,
I already wait a long time
auf den einen Moment.
For this one moment
Ich bin auf der Suche,
I'm searching
nach 100 %.
For 100%
Wann ist es endlich richtig,
When will it finally be right
wann macht es einen Sinn?!
When will it make sense?
Ich werde es erst wissen,
I’ll only know it
wenn ich angekommen bin.
When I have arrived.
Ich will sagen:
I want to say:
So soll es sein,
It should stay like this
so kann es bleiben.
It can stay like this
So hab' ich es mir gewünscht.
That’s what I’ve wished for
Alles passt perfekt zusammen,
Everything fits perfectly together
weil endlich alles stimmt
Since everything is right after all
und mein Herz Gefallen nimmt.
And my heart takes favors.
Wenn es da ist werd ich feiern.
When it’s there I’ll celebrate
Ich weiß da ist noch mehr.
I know there’s even more
Es liegt noch soviel vor mir.
There’s so much ahead of me
Ich lauf noch hinterher.
I still run after
Bis jetzt fühl ich nur die Hälfte,
Until now I can only feel half
von allem was geht.
Of everything that goes
Ich muss noch weitersuchen,
I have to go on with my search
weil immernoch was fehlt.
As there’s still something missing.
Ich will sagen:
So soll es sein,
so kann es bleiben.
So hab' ich es mir gewünscht.
Alles passt perfekt zusammen,
weil endlich alles stimmt
und mein Herz Gefallen nimmt.
Ich weiß nicht wo du bist
I don’t where you are
oder wo du wohnst.
Or where you live
Aber eins ist sicher,
But one thing is sure
dass es sich lohnt.
It’s worth it
Ich bete jede Nacht, dass ich dich finde.
I pray every night that I find you
Und du sagst:
And you say:
So soll es sein,
so kann es bleiben.
So hab' ich es mir gewünscht.
Alles passt perfekt zusammen,
weil endlich alles stimmt.
So soll es sein,
so kann es bleiben.
Genauso ist es gut.
It’s alright this way.
Alles passt perfekt zusammen,
Everything fits perfectly together
weil endlich alles in mir ruht.
As I’m finally at peace.
Yeah, it's in German. By Ich + Ich. Anywho, I'm have a four-day weekend this week because we get Inauguration Day off....since there's a billion gazillion people coming here to D.C. to watch. It seems as if no one that actually LIVES here is going.... Like half the people in D.C. are renting out their houses and apartments for a ton of money to people for this weekend. It's crazy..... Anyways, YAY OBAMA! Also, I'm getting very frust rated with this "editing" thing. WHY DO PEOPLE CHOOSE TO DO THIS AS A CAREER?! It's long, annoying, and really brings down my self-esteem. Don't ask how, but I just feel like I'm totally unworthy to my story...that sounds weird. Hm...I'm bored. Brenda...North Korea (WHICH YOU CONTROL) has weaponized plutonium. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE NOW?!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
I Am An Arms Dealer (Amber Wishes She Was Me)
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
It's How We'll Become Who We Were Supposed To Be
About the query letter thingy, I found this amazing site that tells me everything and makes it less confusing....
And wait, the Velvet Revolution was the Czechoslovakian revolution, right? Or the Romanian? Hungarian? I think it was the Czechoslovakian one. Yeah, the other one's were the violent ones. (Gives Brenda a look)
Ooh, and more evidence of my insane-ness: Brenda, Kira, Amber, and I have begun writing notes to Mr. Fones (Civics teacher) and slipping them into his room. And twice we've given him bananas. :) And we giggle hysterically as we run down the stairs even though it's really stupid. Ohhh, we're so bad! The last one we wrote was in French, Spanish, German, and Japanese. About cats. And how they're on our pants (That was Brenda's contribution). I said that I loved cats (German). And also if he liked them (French). And Kira said she liked cats, too (Japanese). I know, we're idiots.
So yeah, I think I'll go watch some Sound of Music or actually get up and get Titanic....OMG AMERICAN IDOL STARTS TONIGHT. OK, I'll go watch that instead. Byebye! ^_o
Saturday, January 10, 2009
I'm going to dieeee! The query will kill me!
Halp. Plz.
I have a headache!
The word "query" needs to be removed from the English language.
Halp....bitte. I'll be your bestest buddy!
**Cries** Too stressful!
**Silently fumes and glares at the query** (BTW there is a query in the corner of the room of my mental picture in which I mentioned.)
Friday, January 9, 2009
I’m so glad today is over. Today was just one, giant spaz attack. In science, I had to present a project with my partner, and then in chorus I had an audition. I was twitching like the entire and not to mention the fact that halfway through what I had to sing, this girl walks out in the hallway and starts staring, stunned, at me and pointing at me and whispering to her friend. I was thinking “What? Why? Leave me alone!” So not fun. And I had two English quizzy things, a civics test, and PALS next week and a math test. **Sigh**
Also, BRENDA **Looks accusingly at Brenda** hit me repeatedly in the head with a juice box.
Also, we gave each other Indian names! I am Sees Over Mountaintop, Brenda is Lives In Bubble, Kira is Falls Off Haystack, Amber is Eyes Like Devil, and Justin is Hair Like Fluffy Bunny. Haha!
Ooh, and today in English, grace had some stuff for her science project including a pair of heels, and I got to wear them! Yes, that’s the first time I’ve ever worn heels. And so for about fifteen minutes, I got to be semi-tall! Even though Brenda was still taller…and Justin…and most other people.
So today was just weird and I’m glad it’s over with.