Tuesday, January 13, 2009

It's How We'll Become Who We Were Supposed To Be

Hola! Sorry about my panic attack the other day. I'm still in it (Breathes deeply). I had PALS the past two days. Performance Assessment for Language Students. There's a writing part and an oral part,both of which I failed. And the new English teacher is CRAAZY! She won't even look at me. Or call on me. She thinks Brenda, Kira, and I are going to blow up the school or something...and today she told us to "Communicate with the text" and have a converstion with it in our minds. W.T.F. And my parents think I'm weird.....MS. SAIS, I MISS YOUUUUU!

About the query letter thingy, I found this amazing site that tells me everything and makes it less confusing....

And wait, the Velvet Revolution was the Czechoslovakian revolution, right? Or the Romanian? Hungarian? I think it was the Czechoslovakian one. Yeah, the other one's were the violent ones. (Gives Brenda a look)

Ooh, and more evidence of my insane-ness: Brenda, Kira, Amber, and I have begun writing notes to Mr. Fones (Civics teacher) and slipping them into his room. And twice we've given him bananas. :) And we giggle hysterically as we run down the stairs even though it's really stupid. Ohhh, we're so bad! The last one we wrote was in French, Spanish, German, and Japanese. About cats. And how they're on our pants (That was Brenda's contribution). I said that I loved cats (German). And also if he liked them (French). And Kira said she liked cats, too (Japanese). I know, we're idiots.

So yeah, I think I'll go watch some Sound of Music or actually get up and get Titanic....OMG AMERICAN IDOL STARTS TONIGHT. OK, I'll go watch that instead. Byebye! ^_o

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