Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Tell Me Why We Live Like This

You know, it feels like this week will never end. To start with, I have to finish a huge English project and a memoir for English that I have to turn in this week instead of next week because I won't be there! Also, I HAVE AN EFFING MATH MIDTERM WHILE I'M GONE.... EFF. And the choral director from Madison is coming next week and that's inconvenient as well. Also, I feel like I effing broke a rib. I can barely breathe or move and it hurts like a Shih-Tzu. All. Day. I am going to force my parents to take me to the doctor tomorrow if it doesn't get better. And I'm going to die in Cancun. And my cat is cutting off circulation to my foot. On the bright side, I got into District chorus! *Brighty side is crushed by everything else* Nooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!! :'(

Oh, much better, my cat sat on my computer. Greeeaaat. Now I hate everything... -_-

Does anyone have a day where they just can't stop listening to something that isn't what they're normally obsessed with? Today, for me, it's Paramore. See, I like Paramore. I hate how they got so mainstream. But whatever.

Also, if anyone wants to be my bestest friend, can you find the English translation to Sakura Sake by Arashi? They're a Japanese pop band. :) And my compy blocks like every site that looks promising. So pwitty pwease if anyone wants to waste valuble time on a random whim of mine, pweasey!

BIG BREAKING NEWS!!!!!! I TOLD AMBER THAT SHE NOW GETS TOM, AND SHE SAID "OK, SURE." !!!!!!!!!!! Only Brenda would get this, I'm guessing. Ambie didn't protest or ANYTHING. She sounded, not happy, really, (when is she ever?) but OK with it. Secretly pleased, maybe.

Ew, why did my cat decide to lick my computer screen? It has kitty spittle on it now. -_-

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