Tuesday, January 6, 2009


This is my first post in 2009 :) . No, I'm not going to say what my new year's resolution is. I don't have one. I'm still thinking. School is utterly boring and I doubt we'll get any snow at all this year. Its going to rain for like two days. And trust my luck for it to snow here while I'm in Cancun. Yes, the beautiful, wonderful, exotic Cancun, Mexico. Where I will most likely contract another disease. For those who don't know, I tested positive for Tuberculosis in 2006. I had been exposed to it, but it wasn't active yet. So a year of two pills a day and monthly blood tests ensued. And now EVERY STINKING TIME I get a TB test it'll be positive and will be followed by chest X-Rays and long, boring hours in the doctor's office! And I swear to God, that if I get another disease, I will NEVER go to Mexico again. I shunneth thee, Mexico!

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