Saturday, November 15, 2008

Run, Run, Fast As You Can (Hm, What's That From?)

HOLY SHIT THERE WAS A BUG ON MY BED NEXT TO ME I SAW SOMETHING MOVE AND THERE WAS THIS HUGE BUG I SCREAMED AND FELL OFF THE BED HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT THERE WAS A BUG ON MY BED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! **coughs** Sorry. Well, I haven't posted or really got to go on my computer at all for a while because of a few things. 1) My dad was dfragging the computer or whatever so he took it away for a day 2) I've been moving all of my files onto a portable hard drive so my dad can erase everything on the computer 3) My computer is going crazy. It's freezing, shutting stuff down every ten minutes, shutting OFF every fifteen minutes, and all this other crap. Which is the cause of numbers one and two 4) My cat has taken over my computer chair. She hasn't moved but to pee and get treats since yesterday. Which is why I'm on my bed because little kitty decided my chair is her new bed! Great! Anyways, I'm sick; I've been sick for a coupla days now. My throat hurts something awful, my stomache hurts, I have a headache, and I'm so tired! Urgh! So today all I've done is watch movies with lots of shooting, get annoyed with Bill (Oh, yeah, I named my computer Bill), and draw pictures. Very worth the while.

I'm so afraid a bug is goingto crawl back on me.


HELP! No, never mind. That was an ink stain on my sheet.

I hate bugs...




AliseKolhonen said...

Sorry about the ink-bug. A spider(real one) crawled right onto my screen once and I was staring at it for like a minute befire I discovered what it was. I freaked out and jumped off the bed, but it was really creepy when I came back and didnt know where the spider had gone...
I would hate it if my computer had to be reconfigured again, it would take forever for me to get all the links from my favorites saved to disk. Ugg.


SBBan said...
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SBBan said...

hey sorry about the computer... thats exactly why i hate dells and spent my whole entire savings account trying to avoid one... hope your feeling better... oh and say hi to your little friend, do you mind if i give hime a name? it might make you guys more friendly...hmmm, lets see i think Namhouchy would be fine lovely name...

Alanna said...

**twitches** Sarah, do not name the bug!

SBBan said...

but i want to name the bug, would u deny the poofy haired child her happiness?