Sunday, November 30, 2008

Headlines Read Out

Well I'm back home. It's nice to be back, I guess, but Alabama was really nice. I missed Omi and Opi and the nice thing is that they actually get me and have loved me since I was five months old and they didn't look at me and judge me. I love them so much. Even, I was on my mom's computer to check a Tokio Hotel site, and Omi was watching over my shoulder and she goes "Which one's Bill?" and I point him out and she says "Oh, man, he is hot! That is one fiiine boy!". Haha, she's 60 years old. But it made me laugh. I've been kind of antsy all day and I don't know why. I paced for about three hours nonstop, then I spun around on my desk chair for half an hour, then I went back to pace, and I'm about to spaz because I've been sitting the whole time I've been reading this. Also, I really don't want to go to school tomorrow. I don't want to see all the fucking bicthes at our school who think they're sooo much better than everyone else. I want to kick their asses to next week. And I don't want to go to English because apparently our teacher called Brenda, Kira, and I "emo" to the student teacher or whatever when I wasn't there. And I don't want to go to sex ed either. Or chorus because I have NO FRIENDS in that class. It is ALL popular people who glare at me throughout the class period. Or if I'm doodling: "Ooh, the Emo Girl can draw!". And I DON'T want to wake up early to go to school. And I also don't want to ignore Millie. Weird, right? No, I want to fucking kick her ass and tell her off for all the shit she does and all the crap she says. Tomorrow, I want to tell off EVERY SINGLE PERSON who has made me suffer throughout the past year and also want to tell everyone at our school to cut the shit when they talk to us or about us or how they look at us. But no, tomorrow I am going to wake up at 6am. Tomorrow I am going to English, and Chorus, and Sex Ed. Tomorrow I am going to ignore all the bitches. Tomorrow I am going to not kick everyone's ass who's pissed me off. Tomorrow I am going to be a good girl. Tomorrow I'm going to want to do everything I just listed that I wanted to do, and not want to do anything that I said I didn't want to do. Tomorrow, the cycle will start again.

Caught forever
I never can remember
Why I ever wanted
To be a part of it all

My life's been drained
My self away
And I'll just be
A good little girl

That's what they want
And I shall serve
Because my mind is gone
Never to return

Random, spur-of-the-moment poem. It's kinda symbolizing last year. Hooray!

Alright, I'll post tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be in a better mood.

1 comment:

SBBan said...

i hope u know i am very very mad at u for not visiting... u make me sad... yeah see your judgment, snotty people stuff r my 5 yrs at ma, fun isnt it...yes i am quite mad, i am going to quite talking to u now, bye, ok after the by, now...