Friday, January 9, 2009


I’m so glad today is over. Today was just one, giant spaz attack. In science, I had to present a project with my partner, and then in chorus I had an audition. I was twitching like the entire and not to mention the fact that halfway through what I had to sing, this girl walks out in the hallway and starts staring, stunned, at me and pointing at me and whispering to her friend. I was thinking “What? Why? Leave me alone!” So not fun. And I had two English quizzy things, a civics test, and PALS next week and a math test. **Sigh**

Also, BRENDA **Looks accusingly at Brenda** hit me repeatedly in the head with a juice box.

Also, we gave each other Indian names! I am Sees Over Mountaintop, Brenda is Lives In Bubble, Kira is Falls Off Haystack, Amber is Eyes Like Devil, and Justin is Hair Like Fluffy Bunny. Haha!

Ooh, and today in English, grace had some stuff for her science project including a pair of heels, and I got to wear them! Yes, that’s the first time I’ve ever worn heels. And so for about fifteen minutes, I got to be semi-tall! Even though Brenda was still taller…and Justin…and most other people.

So today was just weird and I’m glad it’s over with.

1 comment:

X-GoneBeyondRepair-X said...

you brought that upon yourself! dont deny the truth...