Monday, March 30, 2009

May Angels Lead You In

Today was fairly depressing. My science teacher's daughter has had a brain tumor for a little over a year and she was getting better last week. A few days ago, a buildup of pressure in her cerebellum caused her condition to worsen. Because of this, they couldn't do anything more for her. They couldn't operate or give her radiation. Today, they took out her breathing tubes and she died. She was about three years old. The whole school (with the exception of the boys) was sad. And now Emily is in Jesus' arms. I just wanted to put that out there for everyone.

I promise I won't have a depressiing blog tomorrow.

Saturday, March 28, 2009



~Fo shizzle

Friday, March 27, 2009

Caught Up In The Moment Wish It Never Ended

Today was funfunfun. Yes, it was so fun that it had to be repeated three times in the same word. For school, we had this "team party." Each grade is broken up into three teams just to organize kids. I'm on the Lion team. There's Lions, Tigers, and....guess! Come on, you know what it is. WRONG. It's the Wolverines. But anyways, we had a party and for it we went to the National Air And Space Museum downtown. That part was boring, but we got to run around the Mall for almost an hour. I think everyone in D.C. is afraid of us now. We played tag, stalked people, tried to take pictures of people, posed for pictures, picked each other up, and I was a ninja! Mwahaha! it's kind of hard to explain the awesomeness, sorry. It was funnable. And when we got back to school, everyone was petting my head. >:( Apparently I have unusually soft hair. The coolest thing was that we could just go crazy and play Ring Around the Rosie without anyone stopping us. Yes, we are quite childish. It's probably the most time I have spent outside this entire moth put together. And the most exercise. I've had a pretty bad week, so today was amazingly good compared to the past few days.

Urgh this guy I talk to in Civics asked me out like a week or two ago on Yahoo Chat. I pretended to have to leave to get out of saying no and hoped he'd get the hint. But NOOOO he just emailed me and asked me out AGAIN! Dude, that killed my happy mood. I'm going to pretend like I didn't get it. But seriously, if anyone but Sarah has advice, please give! Sarah: It's not that I don't trust you, I do. I just don't want to do any of the suggestions I can see formulating in your mind. If you have an idea that I might actually do, share. Ok, back to talking to the masses. Here's my dilemma: guys are attracted to me. So not kidding. And I meant that literally. No, not the nice guys who I might think are appropriate for me. I mean the creepers who are girl-obsessed. Is this because I'm blonde? IS THAT IT?! Honestly, what about me is attractive? I KNOW none of the creepers wear awesome clothes so its not my dress. And my hair's just a dirty blonde; nothing special. I want to know so I can change to be unappealing. ALL THE CREEPY GUYS LIKE ME. Now you know why I'm so messed up. Blame it on Jason, George, Alex, Jeff, James, and everyone else.

I leave in a huff.

**EDIT: Do guys suddenly have a dating urge during springtime? I've noticed an increase in the amount of guys that talk to me and/or like me. Just a question.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Doesn't Anyone Here Live An Original Life?

My sole purpose for posting this is to show you guys a verse from this song I've listened to like a million times. Today, on the bus, one of my friends wanted me to listen to it and I was very skeptical (you'll see why). One the song was over, I just sat there for a minute. It's "The In Crowd" by Mitchel Musso. You know, the guy from Hannah Montana? Here's the verse:

Doesn't anyone here live an original life
What did you surrender to be on the inside
When you disappear, they won't remember your name
Then you'll fade away as someone takes your place
Takes your place, in the in crowd

I wasn't paying attention to the song before that first line. Oh. My. God. I have never found a song that was so close to what I think or what I felt. It's a cover of a John Hampson song, but the lyrics are different. Leave it to MITCHEL MUSSO to do that. Gah! The whole song's pretty amazing. GAH! I'm slightly annoyed by that fact. But at least I know that he didn't write it (or at least I hope he didn't). I hate the fact that it's him singing, but the lyrics are so cool. Sorry if I just wasted your time. My blog is supposed to keep me entertained, remember?

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Everything Except "E"

No one's ever on blogger anymore. :( Remember the good ol' days? Everyone was always on here. Am I the only one who tries to post every day or two? Sigh. Well hello readers-who-are-no-longer-here. My "e" key keeps getting jammed. Do you know how annoying that is? Anyways, I thought I'd say hi and post another part of my story that I'm writing right now. It's a very interesting scene between Kia and her brother, Jacob.

“Killing yourself is not the answer.”
“Gah! I’m not killing myself! If I die, then I die! But at least I would have died fighting for something.” I was shouting now.
“Oh, what a way to go!” he said sarcastically. “Why can't you just leave it alone and let the real revolutionaries protest?”
“We are the revolutionaries. Who else would be? The adults have just let this happen. They’re the ones who elected these communists to office! So it’s up to us to correct it.”
“You’ll die,” he repeated, still hoping the prospect of death would change my mind.
“I’ve already cheated death more times than you could know. I’ve been willing to die several times. Hell, I’ve even tried to get myself killed. But dying a revolutionary is better than dying a fugitive.”
“Do you want to fucking die?!” he screamed.
“I don’t care if I live through this or if I die, Jake! Either way, I’ll be happy.”
“I’ll find someone that’ll stop you. There has to be someone crazy enough.” Jacob
“No one is going to stop us,” I laughed darkly, “We’re too far ahead. No one can stop us now.”

DUN DUN DUN! By the way, Kia's not suicidal if you couldn't pick that up. Yeah. They've been aruging for about two pages now.

Ugh why does "e" keep getting jammed? I have to go back and type it in! Grr....

Goodbye readers-who-are-no-longer-here. I luffs you all!

Friday, March 20, 2009


I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. I try to post every day or two, but I've been very bad at it so far. Actually, I don't really have very much to say. Except the fact I need service hours. Badly. Anywayyyys, how is everyone? I'm still sad I'll be missing Warped Tour (probably) because of camp. OMG, I finally got the fifth Maximum Ride book. I made my dad buy it after I found out that it had came out. Has anyone else read those? Sure, they're not the most challenging books, but I still love them. I don't want to give too much away...but HA FANG AND MAX ARE TOGETHERRRR FANG AND MAX ARE TOGETHERRR! If anyone hasn't read the books, the character "Max" is a girl...just to clear that up. It's soooo much better than the fourth. The fourth kinda put the idea that the natural world is in danger wayyy in your face. Kinda "GLOBAL WARMING IS BAD GLOBAL WARMING IS BAD GLOBAL WARMING IS BAD GLOBAL WARMING IS BAD GLOBAL WARMING IS BAD GLOBAL WARMING IS BAD GLOBAL WARMING IS BAD GLOBAL WARMING IS BAD GLOBAL WARMING IS BAD DON'T CONTRIBUTE TO IT GLOBAL WARMING IS BAD GLOBAL WARMING IS BAD GLOBAL WARMING IS BAD GLOBAL WARMING IS BAD GLOBAL WARMING IS BAD GLOBAL WARMING IS BAD GLOBAL WARMING IS BAD"....get the picture? Since I'm bored and have nothing left to write, I'll post something from my sequel-story.

“I love you,” he said simply. I let go of his hand, speechless.


“I love you. I always have.” I looked into his eyes for a moment. He was telling the truth. Then he grabbed me, pulling me closer, and kissed me. This time it was less weird than our last kiss (probably because of the lack of having Tom’s voice in my head), but I was still afraid for Bill. I struggled against him, pushing him away.

“Bill,” I barked as he tried to keep me still.

“Well that’s insulting,” he murmured. I risked a quick look at him. Bill’s eyes began sliding closed, his knees giving out. Right beside the pond. I jumped forward and grabbed…empty space. He slid, unconscious, down the rocks before hitting the sure-to-be-freezing water with a splash. Without hesitating, I threw myself in, determined to reach him. The hazy water carried tendrils of red from Bill’s body: he was bleeding. Heavily.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Shouldn't We Be Happy That No One Can Change It

Today actually wasn't so bad. I did practically nothing in any of my classes. In science we're still presenting our projects and I didn't have to go. And in chorus we had a free day because we got 1's in Festival. In French we watched a video about Paris (we should have watched the DaVinci's filmed in Paris). In English we talked about this project we're doing. We have to write books so they can be sent to Uganda for the poor kids that were kidnapped by the rebel army and escaped. Mrs. Lenart made it wastch this TOTALLY DEPRESSING video about it. And in Gym we played basketball, math we did a lesson, in Civics we worked. I don't know why I just explained my entire day to you, but WHATEVER. I'm cold. Cold cold cold. Also, just to inform Sarah: Brenda might be coming to camp this year. And to Brenda: I WILL FORCE YOU TO COME TWO WEEKS. OK?! Good. Anyone check out Bill Kaulitz's new hair? Not sure exactly wha I think about it. I miss his old hair, but I don't think the way he has it now is hideous. I also don't think it makes him look feminine or like NATALIE PORTMAN (What????) like many people do. Honestly, the Natalie Portman thing scared me a little when I read it. I'll attach a picture to show those who haven't seen it yet. Yes, OK , I picked the better picture out of the few options. But here's the link to the page if anyone needs time to kill. I'm hungry.
*goes off to get food*
Yum, Froot Loops. Ever notice how they spell "fruit" wrong? I just did.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Saving Me Only Hurts You More

This week is so long. Yes, I am aware that it's only Tuesday. But I still feel like it should be Friday night. This week is so packed, I'm going to explode. In chorus, we have Festival this week, so I have to stay after school tomorrow for practice, the next day we have a concert, and then Friday we have Festival. I have and English assignment due Friday, a Science essay due Friday, and a bunch of other stuff. On the bright side, I am adding to my bookmarks online. Now, in my more interesting folder, I have:

French Revolution
Totalitarian Democracy
Illiberal Democracy
Political Corruption
Coup D'Etat
Political Conspiracy
Query Romanian Revolution of 1989 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hungarian Revolution of 1956 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Velvet Revolution (Overthrowing A Communist Govrnment)
Revolutions of 1989 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nonviolent resistance
Psychological trauma
Complex Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
Survivor syndrome
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Education Under Communist Rule
Psychology of torture

You all probably think I''m some sort of creeper now.... But this is all for the sequel I'm writing. Guess what happens. (I swear if no one picked up on it, I will hurt them.) Yeah, I'm reading over that and I seem like some sort of creepy person obsessed with torture. But if you look, you will see that all the things having to do with torture are effects of it. Not how to do it.

I feel creepy now. Ew.

I swear, I have normal bookmarks to. Clothing websites, band sites, CNN, FOX, NORMAL THINGS. That's why I called this "more interesting".

I feel like a creeper; make it go away.


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

We'll Shout It So The World Can Hear Us

*Sigh* Hello. How is everyone? I hope you're all good. Last week, we had about a half foot of snow, but today its supposed to be around 70 degrees, if not more. Virginia's weather is screwed up, I tell you. But because of the wonderful weather today, I have a sudden urge to listen to music by Cute Is What We Aim For, All Time Low, and groups like that. Groups that remind me of summer. So happy! Spring is only one season away from summer, which means bye-bye Thoreau and going to summer camp! Yay!

Ugh, I can barely type because I screwed up my fourth finger....its in a brace so I have to hold my hand at this really weird angle and my pinkie hurts because of the position.

I must say I am pleased witht his month's Teen Vouge (yes, I read that magazine; sue me). They have an entire photoshoot labled "Twilight" and it's basically very black and metallic. It's pretty sweet, actually. It is reasons like this that I read the magazine: they've got pretty good clothes. And the guy models aren't awful-looking, either! ;)

Oh, and Brenda, since you've told me your idea for the story you wanted to write, I can't get it out of my head! Ugh. Thanks a bunch. Now my writing is going nowhere. But I will get you back. >:)