Friday, March 20, 2009


I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. I try to post every day or two, but I've been very bad at it so far. Actually, I don't really have very much to say. Except the fact I need service hours. Badly. Anywayyyys, how is everyone? I'm still sad I'll be missing Warped Tour (probably) because of camp. OMG, I finally got the fifth Maximum Ride book. I made my dad buy it after I found out that it had came out. Has anyone else read those? Sure, they're not the most challenging books, but I still love them. I don't want to give too much away...but HA FANG AND MAX ARE TOGETHERRRR FANG AND MAX ARE TOGETHERRR! If anyone hasn't read the books, the character "Max" is a girl...just to clear that up. It's soooo much better than the fourth. The fourth kinda put the idea that the natural world is in danger wayyy in your face. Kinda "GLOBAL WARMING IS BAD GLOBAL WARMING IS BAD GLOBAL WARMING IS BAD GLOBAL WARMING IS BAD GLOBAL WARMING IS BAD GLOBAL WARMING IS BAD GLOBAL WARMING IS BAD GLOBAL WARMING IS BAD GLOBAL WARMING IS BAD DON'T CONTRIBUTE TO IT GLOBAL WARMING IS BAD GLOBAL WARMING IS BAD GLOBAL WARMING IS BAD GLOBAL WARMING IS BAD GLOBAL WARMING IS BAD GLOBAL WARMING IS BAD GLOBAL WARMING IS BAD"....get the picture? Since I'm bored and have nothing left to write, I'll post something from my sequel-story.

“I love you,” he said simply. I let go of his hand, speechless.


“I love you. I always have.” I looked into his eyes for a moment. He was telling the truth. Then he grabbed me, pulling me closer, and kissed me. This time it was less weird than our last kiss (probably because of the lack of having Tom’s voice in my head), but I was still afraid for Bill. I struggled against him, pushing him away.

“Bill,” I barked as he tried to keep me still.

“Well that’s insulting,” he murmured. I risked a quick look at him. Bill’s eyes began sliding closed, his knees giving out. Right beside the pond. I jumped forward and grabbed…empty space. He slid, unconscious, down the rocks before hitting the sure-to-be-freezing water with a splash. Without hesitating, I threw myself in, determined to reach him. The hazy water carried tendrils of red from Bill’s body: he was bleeding. Heavily.

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