Friday, March 27, 2009

Caught Up In The Moment Wish It Never Ended

Today was funfunfun. Yes, it was so fun that it had to be repeated three times in the same word. For school, we had this "team party." Each grade is broken up into three teams just to organize kids. I'm on the Lion team. There's Lions, Tigers, and....guess! Come on, you know what it is. WRONG. It's the Wolverines. But anyways, we had a party and for it we went to the National Air And Space Museum downtown. That part was boring, but we got to run around the Mall for almost an hour. I think everyone in D.C. is afraid of us now. We played tag, stalked people, tried to take pictures of people, posed for pictures, picked each other up, and I was a ninja! Mwahaha! it's kind of hard to explain the awesomeness, sorry. It was funnable. And when we got back to school, everyone was petting my head. >:( Apparently I have unusually soft hair. The coolest thing was that we could just go crazy and play Ring Around the Rosie without anyone stopping us. Yes, we are quite childish. It's probably the most time I have spent outside this entire moth put together. And the most exercise. I've had a pretty bad week, so today was amazingly good compared to the past few days.

Urgh this guy I talk to in Civics asked me out like a week or two ago on Yahoo Chat. I pretended to have to leave to get out of saying no and hoped he'd get the hint. But NOOOO he just emailed me and asked me out AGAIN! Dude, that killed my happy mood. I'm going to pretend like I didn't get it. But seriously, if anyone but Sarah has advice, please give! Sarah: It's not that I don't trust you, I do. I just don't want to do any of the suggestions I can see formulating in your mind. If you have an idea that I might actually do, share. Ok, back to talking to the masses. Here's my dilemma: guys are attracted to me. So not kidding. And I meant that literally. No, not the nice guys who I might think are appropriate for me. I mean the creepers who are girl-obsessed. Is this because I'm blonde? IS THAT IT?! Honestly, what about me is attractive? I KNOW none of the creepers wear awesome clothes so its not my dress. And my hair's just a dirty blonde; nothing special. I want to know so I can change to be unappealing. ALL THE CREEPY GUYS LIKE ME. Now you know why I'm so messed up. Blame it on Jason, George, Alex, Jeff, James, and everyone else.

I leave in a huff.

**EDIT: Do guys suddenly have a dating urge during springtime? I've noticed an increase in the amount of guys that talk to me and/or like me. Just a question.

1 comment:

SBBan said...

What u dont want my always fresh and amazing advice?! how can this be!? well, just off the record I would suggest the simple cussing him out method which I assume works really well, though I wouldnt know... so do you want to borrow my swimsuit now? or do you want me to give you a list of reasons why guys in va might like you? Have fun dealing with your guy issues!