Monday, July 27, 2009

Sleeping With Band Dudes Doesn't Make You Famous

So I finally found the Song of the Lioness's a bit low of a reading level for me seeing as how I read it in the fifth grade, but these books are amazing. And, of course, the fact that the main character's name is Alanna doesn't hurt. I started reading the series last night and am now in the third book. I had forgotten that this was the book where she finally gets with George! (No one make any witty cracks about me and another person named George....) I'd also forgotten how funny Faithful is (although Alanna's style of naming things is not very creative - Moonlight the white-and-gold horse, Faithful the cat who follows her around, and Lightning the sword which she found before a horrid storm). For instance, Alanna starts crying about something and Faithful says, "Stop feeling sorry for yourself. You provoked him to say such things. If you weren't so proud and kept arguing, he might not have brought up your unfeminine-ness."

Anyways, I'm totally dreading the trip to Wisconsin. I'm hoping to work on getting an agent while there, but still need to print out the samples. My parents are going to be so angry about that: it's over a hundred pages worth of stuff. Considering that two of the agents require the first 50 pages.... And then there's the query, synopsis, and all that other crap. Well whoop-dee-doo, I get to spend my summer killing trees!

I suppose I should talk about camp at some point; I'll write about a few people today. But stories will come later. First off, I got to see SARAH again, which made me very happy. I've been friends with her for about six years now and is probably the person that I've known the longest whom I still keep in touch with/ see on a semi-regular basis. Second, Hollis was there again this year and was in my cabin both weeks. I met her last year and she's really awesome, though I, admittedly, do not enjoy her perverted jokes to their full extent. Julianne was also there this year, though as an LIT. For those who do not know, she was one of the amazing pioneers last year. Hm...who else? Dawson was there, and I actually got to spend time with her this year. However, her boyfriend was also there every waking second of the day. It's not that I don't like Taylor, necessarily. I'm not sure whether I do or not. It is true that the first week I was there, I would have been happy to shoot him with a very dull arrow (making the death more painful). Second week I did not think as badly of him, and I even got to put eyeliner on him over the weekend. Part of the reason that I didn't like him the first week was because we (Pioneers) got many updates about him from Lucas. What can I say about Lucas? He's absolutely hilarious, was the only guy in our pioneering group, and probably had ODD (from what I've observed). For those who are unaware of that particular disorder, google it. Then I suppose there's Summer (Hollis's friend, not the counselor). She's really awesome and a lot like me, actually. Honestly, I felt almost motherly towards her and Dawson while at camp. I kept complaining about Dawson being too young to have a boyfriend (she's twelve!) and to be kissing said boyfriend. And then there was Kyle with Summer. At first, it was me that Kyle stalked. But after glaring at him under heavily made-up eyelids, and threatening to kick his ass if he touched me, he soon left me alone. Summer, however, was different. She's far more good-natured than I, and more soft-spoken. So when Kyle grabbed her ass, she did nothing. I, however, was on the verge of smashing his head into something. Literally. Hollis and I had to stand outside for several minutes before going back inside. I kicked things while outside to get my anger out. But that's enough about Kyle. I suppose I'll have a whole other post about him and his creepery-ness. Who am I forgetting? Well there's the camp family, fo sho. And mommies and daddies.... Daddies: Justin and Thomas. Mommies: Caroline, Madison, Kelley, and Will. And don't forget Grammy Jacobie. More about the family later. Ah, and JR. He was an LIT this year, so I didn't really meet him until the weekend between camp sessions. How can I talk about him without having Sarah point out all sorts of wonderful things? He's really cool, nice, wants to join the Marines when he's older (not so cool), really funny, and totally fails at comebacks. Ha ha. Fail. Um...he got yelled at several times by Sarah and Jacey (LOL) for "flirting" with me.

Alright, I think I've posted enough for one night. Any more and I'll probably be sucked into the blogosphere and never come back.

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