Wednesday, July 29, 2009

This Day Is Not Going Well

Wow, my post yesterday was long.... See that's what happens when I get started on something. And I blame that post for my inability to sleep last night because I was thinking too much. NOTE TO SELF: Do not discuss intellectual matters right before bedtime. It is not conducive to a good night's sleep.

Anyways, back to this post. I'm not sure if I told you all about my little raining-in-the-kitchen discovery. Long story short: leak in the bathroom upstairs created a little (and I use that word lightly) stream of water from a light socket in the kitchen. Today I come downstairs and find a tarp covering most of the living room. Why? More water coming from light sockets. And this time the water's not coming from just one socket. The entire ceiling is dripping wet. We (padre and I) believe there's a problem with the shower drain in my parents' bathroom. This incident has lead me to ponder the design flaws when you put in overhead lighting. See, what happens is that the water runs through the drywall until it finds a hole in said drywall. The only holes in the ceiling are from light fixtures. Now, you'd think that when the electrician puts in the lights that he would cover the top of the fixture (meaning the part that is in the drywall). Nope. I believe it would be in everyone's best interest to put some sort of covering on so that the water cannot drip into the light fixture. Water + Electricity = short-circuiting or electrocution. And on another note, I think it would be beneficial to have some sort of alarm/beeping noise when the drywall does become wet.

You know, I don't have anything good for an excerpt. Sure, I have 26 pages of work to choose from, but none of it's really good to use.

Ah....shhhhhhhhhhit.....oh my God.... I'm watching Criss Angel Mindfreak...."Body Suspension" is the episode. Very few things freak me out, in all honesty. Only paranormal shows scare me. But this! Oh shit. I feel like I'm about to pass out. Shit. I'm even doing that girlish waving-hand-in-front-of-face thing. Okay, the stunt's over. I'm seriously hyperventalating...dizzy...HEADACHE! I've only ever hyperventilated once...and that was when there was a huge spider. And now I feel so dizzy....

That show is not good for me.

Okay, I'll post later. I need to go make sure I'm not going to faint or anything.

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