Saturday, November 8, 2008

Orlando (not the city) Bloom (not a flower)

I've watched Lord of the Rings all day. Every single movie and the bonus features. It just occured to me that one of the reasons I love the movies so much is because of Orlando Bloom in it. Now, I have never been one of those obsessive fangirls all over him (though Bill is a different case), but I just now realized that he's really attractive. I never knew he had a mohawk haircut...yes, it's strange what you notice on bonus features. But seriously, in these movies he's really slender and graceful...I'm not saying I think he's hot though. And he has very instense blue eyes in the movie as well...his hair is pretty, too. :) I feel like a fangirl oh, great!

I hate feeling like a fangirl; it's awkward.

Also, you know how they have to go to Mt. Doom to destroy the ring? How unoriginal is that name?

I'm watching the first one right now, and why are they all yelling at Legolas?! No, STOP YELLING! BE NICE TO HIM!!! And why does Mr. Dwarf have to be so mean and call him an Elf in a demeaning way?! Mr. Dwarf is so jealoous of Legolas just 'cause he's so beautiful.

I'm a fangirl and it's awkward.

He looks really....

OK, I'm stopping and hitting PUBLISH POST.

But he's so-

No, I'm hitting the button!

No! Don't! let me finish!

No! I will not!




I don't want to hear about how beautiful he is!

Ha! You just said it!

I did not!

Yes you diiid!

I did not!

Read it!


1 comment:

AliseKolhonen said...

For like a wek after watching LOTR I became a fangirl. It was so strange because I used to think Orlando was over-rated and then BOOM. I suddenly liked him a lot.
I got over that really quickly though. Really, really quickly.