Monday, December 22, 2008

Silent Night, Holy Night, All Isn't Calm, All Isn't Bright

Is Fairfax County the only county in America that has to go to school this week?! Like, seriously! It seems like everyone else has this week off but noooo we're special so we get to go to school tomorrow. THERE IS NO POINT. Also, I think my mom's going to send me to therapy. She thinks I have a sleeping problem (Which I totally do, by the way. but it's because my brain will not shut up (No, I am not schizophrenic) when it's time to sleep). So last night I was really hyper (Which was also sooo not my fault considering I ate a whole tin of those Pirouette cookies and 17 other cookies) and she goes "We're going to help you with your sleeping problem," and then walks away. (This is at 10pm by the way). So I start yelling "What? Therapy?! Don't send me to therapy! I don't want to be with the rapist! He's a bad man who's going to hurt me!" and I'm screaming that to no one. And she comes back and says, "Don't worry, it's OK." So WTF. She thinks thats the extent of my problems?! Psh, naw, I have way more. But today Brenda and I were plotting ways to freak the therapist out and we got some good ideas which include: Get a Unykorn and sit there and pet it; stare blankly at the man; and actually pretend to be schizophrenic. Then, in chorus, I was talking to another person and we came up with: Run in singing a random song (I.E. "The wheels on the bus") then collapse; walk in, blink, and start screaming; or speak French the entire time. The dude is totally going to be afriad of me. Mwahaha! Anyways, a lot's been going on at school. Our English teacher is quitting, our gym teacher is retiring, and tomorrow is the official UNYKORN PLAYDATE day at school. Or unnoficial, if you will. It's gonna be totally the best party eva! So Merry Christmas to everyone and a Happy New Year!

Did you know, in France, kids get presents on New Year?

And in Slovakia, they hand people by their ankles and stuff them with cake on Christmas?

Or in Russia, they dance to folk songs around a big treee?

Or in Canada, they all pray for the hockey teams on Christmas?

Or how in Spain, they all have a national 10 minutes of silence on 9/11?

Or the fact I made all those up?

No, I didn't make all those up. A few are true. Or maybe that's a lie. If someone can guess which ones are true and which one's are fake, I'll give you a hug. Or, rather, an WWWHUG.

And you'll get one too if you figure out what WWWHUG means.

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