Thursday, December 4, 2008

So Kiss me Goodbye, Honey I'm Gonna Make It Out Alive

I can't wait until Saturday. Scratch that, I can't wait until CHRISTMAS BREAK! Or, you know, when I graduate college. And I plan to be a writer because guess what!? You get to sit at home all day and look at a computer screen! Just kidding, although I love writing. That would get supremely boring and I would miss being around actual people **cough**. I had to do this STUPID FREAKING ANNOYING THING FOR ENGLISH THAT I HAVE TO COPY DOWN LITERALLY 58 THINGS FROM WIKI PAGES!!! AND, I HAVE A CIVICS TEST TOMORROW, A MATH QUIZ, AND I HAD A BUTT LOAD OF FRENCH HOMEWORK! Hooray! I swear, I am going to hit my English teacher soon. I wish I could just go to sleep. Or, Susannah and I were talking about if you could just freeze time and take a nap, then hit play and start right where you left off. That would be niiiice. Anyways, I think I'm going to DIE before winter break. AND MY PHONE WON'T FREAKING SEND ANYTHING I'M ABOUT TO TOSS IT OUT THE FREAKING WINDOW. I don't know why, but I'm just really impatient and eager to be pissed off today. Oh, yeah, George had this whole issue yesterday where he asks me what I'm doing and I said I was writing. He's just like, "That's nice, how's it being so gorgeous?" so I got really pissed off but forced myself not to say anything 'cause that would make him talk more which would not be fun. I mean, why can't guys just appreciate the fact that we even talk to them when they act so creepy. One of my favorite guys at our school hesn't called me emo, hasn't hit on me, and isn't a complete idiot (well, he's about as crazy as me, so I shouldn't be judging). I think there are two guys this year that have spoken to me and they haven't asked if I was emo or goth, didn't tell me I was emo or goth, or tell me to kill/cut myself. And one of them is like uber-popular too. Which is slightly surprising. But he can be very unhelpful. And Justin, I just like Justin. He actually provided us with a good quote for science: "I went to Heaven. There were lots of puppies." Haha, don't ask. OH, Tom from Tokio Hotel lost his virginity when he was 13! Now, that brings up all sorts of disturbing questions. So I sort of start twitching when I think of that. Psh, I'll consider myself lucky if I actually get kissed before college. Jeez, Tom's a total man-whore.

Also, in my story, I realized something very ironic. The only character I don't want to shoot is one named Tom. Figures. And he's a nice character. Which eplains that lack of cursing and death-wishing toward him. And I want to shoot Trevor. I cannot describe how much I want Trevor to die right now. Ugh. he makes everything so complicated for me; he's totally beig a bad boy right now. WHY DOES HE MAKE ME DO THESE THINGS?! All he's doing is confusing me and making the romance aspect almost IMPOSSIBLE. Maybe I'll have Tom shoot him? Or I'l have a tree fall on him! The main character doesn't help either; she wants to kiss Trevor. Why is that bad? Because she has a boyfriend that is about to be killed and she's worrying about making out with some other guy that her boyfriend has never even met! And then what happens to him?! I don't want to kill him! Ugh, I want Tom to shoot Trevor, but Tom doesn't want to because him and the main character can't do anything with only two people. Which is true, but I still want Trevor to die.

Brenda started making fun of me because my mind is being controlled by my fictional characters. If you read the paragraph above, you can kinda see why.

I shall return to being pissed off and confused now.


SBBan said...

you should change trevors name to joey... ;)

AliseKolhonen said...

This has to be the most random comment I have ever posted, but, when I read what you wrote about Tom, it reminded me of something. I was called a man-whore over text message by a number I didnt know just earlier today. How exciting I know.
I am controlled by fictonal characters too.
What is your story called?