Monday, August 31, 2009

Fruits Basket Ramblings

I've been watching Fruits Basket since yesterday afternoon. This show is so awesome; I love it. It's nothing like Death Note, so I can't compare it. It's just so amazing. All the guys in this show are hilarious. I find the girls lacking any complexity in their characters, but the boys make up for it. My favorite character is probably Kyo, even though that's probably a bit odd. He has this outrageous temper, and he's really brusque, but I just love him so much. It might have something to do with the fact that he turns into a cat.... And then there's Haru, who's awesome. I actually just realized while I was typing that sentence that my two favorite characters are probably the ones with the shortest tempers (Haru when he's Black Haru) and the foulest mouths. It's amusing when Kyo talks, because he curses in about every sentence. And Haru is just plain awesome. Of course, I also love Yuki and Shigome. All the guys.

I find Taru's character a bit dim, and it bothers me how every episode she has to have this long, "inspirational" speech about life.

Haha, so Yuki and Taru are talking about how nice fall is, and when she asks Kyo, he says: "What the hell does it matter?!" It's also amusing how in love Kyo is with Taru, but how afraid he is of feeling like that. And then there's Kyo's stalker. She's actually related to him distantly. She's totally infatuated with him, but beats him up every time he says something rude. I so want Taru to end up with Kyo, but she's obviously in love with Yuki. It's not that I don't like him, but I just like Kyo more. He's so cute!

Hm, turns out this show is much darker than I thought. It saddens me, actually, that it's finally getting really iteresting and I only have one episode left.

Okay, I keep getting distracted by the show, so I'm on the last episode now. This is like seriously depressing. A least Kyo is okay. You know, I wonder what happened to Haru. I haven't seen him in a while.... Anyways, this is probably the worst ending ever. It really ticks me off when you don't find out who ends up with who. *sigh* Well it's over now, and I'm sad. perhaps I'll rewatch the series at a later time. Right now, however, Brenda has reccomended another show. So I'll be off.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Wer Bin Ich?

I was taking apart my bookshelf and sliced open my wrist...right underneath my palm. So now there's this big band-aid there so I probably look really emo. I'm just hoping that I'm not still wearing it on Tuesday or my classmates will have instant fodder for insults. People are just so nice like that.

Anyways, my mom decided she was too busy to take me to get my hair done, which really annoyed me. At least there's always next weekend, though. I at least want to have my hair dyed before school starts.

It hurts to bend my wrist now. And I got hit with a ricochet airsoft bullet from when I went outside where my two brothers were shooting. Yeah, they like to shoot at the wall and stuff. Idiots.

Excerpt time:

__“Hm?” I stood, and nearly fell again as dizziness hit me like a brick wall. Alex sprung forward and scooped me up in his arms.
__“You’re in no condition to walk, girl,” Syx told me as his friend carried me back to the horses. “Using that much magic without training is not a great idea. As you can probably tell.” I nodded drowsily, letting my head fall against Alexander’s chest. He made a small noise as I let my arms wrap around his neck
__“What’s wrong, Majesty?” My voice was faint.
__“Nothing.” With less effort than I would have thought, he sat me on his horse. “You’ll be riding with me. I think that if you were alone on a horse it would end badly.” He flashed me a smile.
__“Okay.” Syx took my horse’s reins and held them as he waited for Alex to climb on behind me. Then he clambered onto his own mare and loosely hooked the stallion’s reins on the horn on the front of his saddle.
__“She’ll be okay, right?” Alex pulled me closer as his horse began to walk.
__“Mari will be fine. And I’m sure you’ll be watching her every second, even after she’s recovered.” I felt Alex stiffen. A smirk was evident in Syx’s voice, although I was too drowsy to care why.
__“That was out of line.”
__“Forgive me, Alex, but I’ve been able to read you since we were boys. I don’t want to, believe me, but it’s something I just know.” My teacher sighed heavily. “Just don’t hurt her.” Almost instinctively, Alexander dropped one hand from the reins to fall over mine.
__“I won't.” My eyes fluttered closed, and I leaned back against my companion.
As I said in yesterday's post, I'd appreciate ay ideas as to the title for the poem from that same post.
I can't wait until I can drive...I'd be halfway to New York by now.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

I'm The Shattered Youth, And No One Could Believe It

Wow, my parents have finally come to the conclusion that I have insomnia. Can we have a round of applause for the parental units!? Like I haven't known that all summer. Really, I've been mentioning that I don't sleep until the early morning hours, or sometimes not at all. I don't text, and I don't read. Just lie there all night, tired as hell but unable to sleep. And only now do they decide to become concerned? Nice. That's parental compassion at its finest, folks! So my parents think that it's because I don't get enough exercise (pacing all day isn't exercise, apparently), so they said that I should start running a couple miles every day. Which is totally within my capabilities. But just to be me, I proposed a trade-off. I'll start running two or three miles every day if they get rid of Diet Coke in the house. I'm sure I've mentioned how my family is addicted (I'm honestly not kidding about this) to the drink. They get headaches and stuff when they don't drink it. But you know what? They'll have to deal if they want me to run. My mom looked surprised when I told her my proposition, but said that she'd consider it.

In other news, I've decided to enter that poem I wrote a while back into a contest. Mostly because I have nothing to do. But the problem is that it needs a title. It's required, actually. But I can't think of one. Damn it, I don't even know what the poem's about! Sad considering the fact that I wrote it. Anyways, I'm going to re-post the poem at the end of this post; please give me any ideas you have as to a title. I'd prefer it was one word, and "Untitled" does not appeal to me. I already asked my parents about it (neither could even figure out what it was about; not even my dad who's a journalist and author) and they were without an answer. So if you could just comment and give me ideas, that would be great. Thanks so much, you guys.

New band I'm in love with: The Downtown Fiction. Thanks Dita for showing me them. They're actually from Fairfax, which is awesome. It makes me hopeful that perhaps northern Virginia is not slowly killing me. Kidding. Sort of.

And we conspire
That which love cannot permit
Burning deeper than hell's fire
Until the dying breath

I've already tried finding synonyms for words, but it seems impossible if I don't know what it's about. But I think that it means something different to each person, so I don't want to spoil that with a title. *sigh* This is so hard. I'm entering because I'm bored, but also because the first place prize is about $5,000. Yeah, I need a little extra cash.

The reason I need money (only about $120 in truth) is because I want to get a membership on this manuscript editing site. It's one of the best out there, and this could be the thing that helps me get an agent. I have no desire to spend my meager allowance, so I've turned to other methods. Perhaps I'll just ask my parents to get me a membership as a personal favor to me. *rolls eyes* That's so going to happen.

Alright, I think that's everything.


Alles Ist Perfekt

Finally became angry enough that I wrote Verizon a letter. It's in the mail box now, waiting to be picked up. Also set up my business email. I needed one anyways for contacting agents and such, but created it today so that Verizon could respond.

I win.

Du Bist Wie Ein Maschine

I can't contain my excitement over Tokio Hotel. Seriously, I feel like I've just discovered their awesomeness, even though I've known about said awesomeness for about a year and a half. I'm going so crazy.... Also, the site I was talking about where you can download music for free? Yeah, I now have TH's next two singles that are going to be released next month. No big. *rolls on floor giggling* Nope. Not that exciting. It's sad really, how many times I've listened to the singles.... I even have the German lyrics memorized even though it hasn't been 24 hours yet. Have to say: love the songs. Love the band. Love the singer. Yep, I'm in love. Pathetic, isn't it?

In other news, I made muffins for the first time in two months. I usually make them every weekend, but haven't had time of late.

God, I am in such a weird mood. I feel so weird. Like the feeling you get when you have a crush on someone. You feel slightly sick, but in a good way (haha Brenda). No idea why I feel this way (It's not because of TH. I think.) My dreams probably made me feel this way. In my dream, there was this totally awesome guy who was my boyfriend. And then it changed so this other guy that I actually know (not saying who - both for my sake and his) was my boyfriend. But in my dream it made perfect sense that we were together...then I woke up. And I was like: "what?" But that feeling is still there and it's freaking me out. Because I don't know any cool guys (hm, except Ryan (hehe)) and I do not have a crush on the other guy. It's even weirder because he's one of my friends. And for the record, it is not Kris.

Ugh, I did something to my thumb on my left hand so it makes texting extremely hard. I also can't touch it which is rather annoyng so I have to change my typing slightly. Ow, just clicked the space bar with my left thumb! *falls off bed* Now the CTRL button. *eye twitch*

My life is absolutely tragic.

Anyways, my dream showed me - once I'd woken up - how much I do not want a boyfriend. The thought has actually begun to scare me, therefore forcing me to regard myself as a third-grader. When "cooties" were a real thing. Yep, I think Ive returned to that mentality.

Today is looking to be an emotionally-sapping day, so I'll post later. I think. Maybe. Alright, I'm going to get back to writing now.


Thursday, August 27, 2009

What A Life It Is To Behold

So today was our third orientation.... Really, how many do we need? I didn't think we were that dim. Actually, I take it back. There are a few people - who will not be mentioned - that wouldn't understand how to butter a piece of bread if they were showed how to a thousand times. Anyways, it really depressed me today that there doesn't seem to be any awesome guys in our grade. I mean, really? This only leads me to conclude that I will not have a boyfriend until I'm thirty. Now, I'm not really one to go all crazy over boys (God forbid), but can't I just have a single indulgence? Please?

In other news, I'm watching my favorite Bones episode of all time. It's from season four: Mayhem On A Cross.

I've also been writing quite a lot in my new story, hereby known as Apprentice. Not the actual title, of course, but I need something to call it besides "my new story." If you remember, I only ever name things after I've finished.

I'm trying out a new anime series that looks's called D.Gray-man. It doesn't look to bad compared to the other stuff I've thought about watching. I'm just too picky, I think. The annoying thing is that it's English Dubbed *eye twitch*. Why can't they just do voice-overs!? Is it really that hard? Hehe, the boy's talking to a cat.

I was going to post an excerpt, but couldn't find one. Yesterday's poem will have to do.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


No one hears her silent screams
No one there inside her dreams
No one there to feel her pain
With no one there, she goes insane

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Isn't It Nice To Finally Be Laid To Rest?

Holy sh*t! I signed up for this numerology thing online simply because I was bored...and I just got back the results. Holy sh*t. I'm seriously afraid that this person is stalking me. OH MY GOD. This person knows everything about me, it seems. What my chosen career is, the way I feel about people, my personality, and my "love life" (laughs). Oh, sh*t. This is seriously scary. I'm actually shaking right now.

In other news, I've discovered a site where I can pretty much download any song I want...for free. I'm a little hesitant because I don’t know if it's legal. But Safe Eyes didn't block it (it blocks illegal things), and since that program is like an over-protective mother, I can assume that the site's safe. Now let the music downloading begin! So far I've only downloaded two songs....

Okay, since I've finished Death Note, I started watching Vampire Knight. It's pretty good, but it's not in English so it's rather annoying to have to read the subtitles while I type. The show has lots of hot guys, which is nice. However, they've just introduced a new character, one that is nearly as annoying as Misa in Death note. I hate those kind of girls who are all boy-crazy and like...intrude on their personal bubble. If I were I guy, I would hate a girl who's clinging onto me every second. Or one of those whiny girls who are always around, wanting to protected. Ugh. Can't girls understand that the reason our sex is deemed inferior is because of people like that? It’s infuriating.

However, at least Misa wasn’t walking up to other girls and being all flirty with them. Maria’s just plain annoying.


Monday, August 24, 2009


Don't read this first paragraph if you don't care about Death Note. was basically my Watch-Death Note-Obsessively day. I cried so much the episode that L died...especially in the part of the episode when L and Light were being really nice to each other (Brenda knows what scene I'm talking about). That totally tore me up. I've also spent a lot of time cursing Light to hell. Why kill L?! Really?! He was the best - and funniest - character. But now there's a new guy that Light passed the notebook to...he's really hot. It sounds weird, but it's so true. Of course I miss L terribly. *sobs* I also really like Mello and Near. Gah, why are there so many people in this show that I like? Of course, two of them are totally crazy, but whatever.

Anyways, I'm totally stuck in this weird habit of writing where I write one page of a story, then another page of another story. And so on and so forth. Perhaps it stems from my weird sleeping patterns of late, or perhaps my obsession with random things. Such as: Death Note, James Rollins, black pens, Tokio Hotel, and Cinema Bizarre. Not to mention cats, L, being lazy, and hacking iTunes. You know, I have such a great life. *rolls eyes*

I'm feeling particularly bored so I'll say goodbye.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

There's A Five Percent Chance

I really hate it when I mention something to my parents - very offhandedly, I might add - and they just get stuck on it. What I'm currently referencing is the fact that I mentioned months ago that a small part of me was considering trying cross-country this year. Then my parents started obsessing over it, emailing the coach at Madison and everything. Now don't get me wrong, I love to run. But they've talked about it so much, and pressured me about it so much that I don't want to do it anymore. Even just thinking about it makes me annoyed.

Anyways, I started watching Death Note today. I'm on episode eight, and it's absolutely fantastic! I love L so much that it's ridiculous. He's so funny and actually really cute.... :D I really want to read it (stealing it from Brenda in the middle of the night - I'll dress like a ninja) now. To be honest, Light scares me to death. But the death god is probably the second funniest character in the entire series...L is the first.

Today was one of those days where I did totally random things (like earlier in the summer where I learned self-hypnosis and advanced taekwondo moves). For instance, I decided to learn how to tie a Muslin headscarf and moved my mirror to every possible spot in my room.

Hehe...L's so cute. He has these big eyes and messy hair.... <3 I hate how I always love fictional characters. His thought process amazes me. It saddens me greatly to know what L's going to die.... *sobs* I HATE HOW OBSESSED I GET OVER FICTIONAL GUYS. Just wanted you all to know. Oh, my God! "I want to tell you...I'M L!" That was probably the funniest line.... He looks so mental in Episode 9 that it makes me love him even more.... For those who have not seen/read Death Note: YOU MUST.

I seriously have issues.

Alright, so tomorrow I'll be painting my walls. Besides that, I need to write some more in both or one of my stories. After that, I need to unpack fully and clean up my room. Before I paint, I need to move my decrepit bookshelf.

I don't understand how Light is able to kill L. L's just so awesome... *throws self on ground crying hysterically* L's so cute.... It infuriates me that L considers the fact that Light may not be Kira. I mean, REALLY!? Please don't die....

Okay, I'm finished.


Saturday, August 22, 2009


I've been told that I'm very excitable. It seems, at times like this, that the statement is true. I was looking through my usual sites for updates (band sites, CNN, Hulu) and they have so many new pictures of Tokio Hotel that I've now transcended into "fangirl" mode. This girly mentality makes me feel ridiculous and like I just lost 100 IQ points. Yeah, not a great feeling for someone who thinks of themselves as - and prides themselves on being- educated.

In other news, I have located Harry Potter 2 (the movie) after over a year of searching. As you can imagine, I would be quite proud if not for my current state of mind. Which, to tell the truth, is one-tracked. BILL. In a way, it's good that I've gotten back into obsessing over them, particularly considering the fact that my summer's not the greatest.

Okay, I'll write more tonight...after I finish taking down pictures and stuff...and cleaning my walls with this stuff that's highly toxic. Oh, wonderful, right? I'm going to paint two more walls tomorrow, if I'm lucky. And after cleaning my walls, I need to fully unpack.



I AM BACK! *big smile*

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Why Do I Keep Loving You?

I'm so close to crying that it's ridiculous. I'm so fucking fed up with Safe Eyes, and I can't do shit about it. I'm at the point where I'm considering wiping the hard drive and reinstalling all the programs...except Safe Eyes. It's just the most fucked-up program out there. What really drives me crazy is that it's the #2 internet filter program out there, and parents are giving it all sorts of wonderful reviews. So I got onto one of those big software review sites and wrote a reiew that was more of a rant about it. The realization just dawned on me that I'm probably one of the only people my age who has to search half an hour for something that I could've found on the first page that Google directed me to...and most of the time never end up being able to find it. I'm so close to tears I'm so frustrated. It's taking all my self-control not to start cursing at the top of my lungs and hurl my computer at the wall.

Actually just started crying for a minute.... There are no words to describe how much I hate that program. But GODDMAN MOTHERFUCKIN' BITCH OF A PROGRAM describes a tiny part of it.

Excerpt because I have to distract myself (from my sequel):

___“She is an eagle. Cunning and deceptively fast, but the communist species has dwindling numbers for a reason.” Mr. Fredericks’ words echoed in my head. A fire pulsed through my veins, and I stood.
___“Down with communism!” I shouted. All heads in the auditorium turned to me. Marissa’s eyes narrowed. “Down with communism!” I yelled again. Beside me, Cody rose and began to chant with me. Tom and indigo joined next, followed by Luke and Caylee. Like a wildfire spreading, students began to stand up and chant. Soon, everyone was up, pumping their fists and standing on their seats.
Down with communism! Down with Mayer! Down with communism! Down with Mayer!” Teachers rushed about, trying uselessly to settle everyone. A man standing beside Marissa raised a gun and fired shots through the ceiling. Still pandemonium raged.
___“Be quiet!” The woman screamed into the microphone. No one listened. No one heard over the din.
___Without a second thought, I began to sprint down the open isle, straight towards the stage.
___“Maxwell!” Marissa shrieked at the man beside her. The man caught my eyes and raised his gun. A single shot was fired, and the wood paneling behind his head exploded. I dropped to the ground, then glanced back. A grinning Trevor stood beside William, who was holding a handgun in one hand, and a knife in the other. Trevor let the M16 slide onto his back. I smiled, getting to my feet swiftly and continuing my run to the podium. With the man, Maxwell, preoccupied with other students trying to reach the stage, I was able to jump onto the edge of the stage.
___Marissa had taken her eyes off me for a moment, looking at the furious crowd. A moment was all I needed.
___I lashed out at her, extending one foot. My kick hit her square in the back, causing her to crumple. Her head hit the podium, and she was knocked unconscious. There was a shout to my right; my head snapped in that direction. Maxwell was barreling towards me, gun raised. I had no where to go.
___But at the last second, a black figure, whirling with the ease of a practiced martial artist, dropped the man with a single blow. In the pandemonium, I saw William making his way to the stage, the crowd parting like the Red Sea. Trevor was one step behind him, shouldering his lethal rifle.

Okay, I'll talk tomorrow when I'm not so angry.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

There's No Real Love In You

Oh, my god, did you guys see the Cobra Starship ad for the VMA's?! It's totally awesome! Anyways....


Would anyone believe me when I said that today I: jumped out of a very tall tree, rode in a car that drove into the river...and kept driving, almost got hit by a train, and nearly was "abducted" by "hobos?" Probably not, but whatever. I have written 35 pages in my new story so far, which made me very happy. Tomorrow's the last day I'll be in Wisconsin, since we're staying in Minneapolis until Saturday. I'm not sure what else to write, so I'll be finsihed for tonight.


AH OMG OMG OMG! I finally was able to listen to the excerpts of Tokio Hotel's new singles (Automatic and Automatisch) and, while excited, have mixed feelings about it. It's definitely more poppy than their old stuff (Zimmer 483 - best TH album EVER!), but I can't help but love it. That's the problem with me with Tokio Hotel...I just have to love it. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't hate it. I may not love Bill's look (sorry), but the band will always have a special part of my heart. And for the record, Automatisch is better by far (as all the German songs are).

So I'm watching America's Best Dance crew right now because I have nothing better to do. And I've got to say: these people are amazing. Like, its totally mind-blowing how good these dancers are.

Excerpt time:

__“Damn it, Mari!” he shouted, sweeping towards me. His dark hair was tousled from the cloak, but his eyes shone brighter than ever. “I spoke to you not an hour ago about controlling your temper or you’ll destroy the entire city! And what do you do?! You cause a fucking wind that toppled half the carts in the city, and even blew roofs apart! Thank Gods that I could trace you here!” The mage, gasping for breath, looked between the king and me. “What happened?” He asked in a more dulcet tone.
__“Come,” The king ushered us into a smaller chamber, summoning a squire to whom he gave orders to inform his previous meeting that he would have to reschedule. “Show him,” he ordered me, referring to the note. I handed it to Syx.
__“Dmitri, the bastard,” Syx spat. Not a second later, a deafening boom shook the palace. Syx’s eyes burned. “Magic. Alex, you’re not safe here.”
__“Are you suggesting I leave?” the king retorted, checking the hallway.
__“I can't, damn it! I can't just abandon the city, abandon my people! I have responsibilities as king, Syx!” Alexander looked terrified nonetheless.
__“This is an attack, Majesty! You’ll do little good to your people when you’re dead!” Syx yelled. “Alex, we have to leave.” The king bit his lip, torn.
God, I'm so messed up today. I woke up around eleven, then took a shower, then got ready for the day. By then it was about noon. So now it seems like noon even though it's almost 5:30. Weird!
I really don't know what to write about, so I'll leave it with this:

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Nod Your Head And Tell Me


Hola, it’s Tuesday morning, very early morning, to be exact. Just turned Tuesday, in fact. So today’s my cousin’s 16th birthday. We’re rented a boat on the river for today, and we’ll be spending pretty much all day there. You know, I remember my cousin when she was six years old…. It’s quite odd to think that she’ll be turning sixteen. God, I can barely wrap my head around it!
Anyways, I’m writing my new story right now, and have half a page until I get to thirty pages! I’m so excited! It means I can actually finish this one, whenever it does end. I decided to post an excerpt I wrote in the last half hour, which I find very amusing (the writing, not how much time it’s been a part of my story). I should probably tune everyone in to what’s happening in the story, but I really hate summaries and synopsizes.
Actually, I’ve had to start writing my own language for this story. You don’t see any of it in this excerpt, but I worked hard on the language. So far the only words I have are ones that have been used, which isn’t many. But I also have two pages of grammar rules (sentence structure, gender of nouns, conjugations, forming a question, possessive noun rules, pronunciation, and origins of the words). I actually got the inspiration for writing a new language from J.R.R. Tolkien, inarguably the best writer that has ever lived. I’ve long been fascinated by the fact that he wrote the Elvish language, and how it is an actual language. God, that’s so amazing. Of course, mine will inevitably pale in comparison, but I do need it for writing purposes and to make sure that my writing is consistent in its entirety. I’m well aware that no one will understand the language, but for my own purposes, I would like to set parameters so that my writing in this other language does not become erratic and inconsistent. In other news, I’ve also finally finished the final copy of the map. Again, I’m perfectly f*cking aware that it is not required for understanding my writing, but it helps me. I’m starting to think that I spend more time on the map and on Ahnan than I do actually writing…. I’ll post a picture of the map eventually (since I want to make myself feel like I did something worthwhile).
Okay, short recap: Mari is an apprentice to Syx, a mage. She is at his home to get books that he requires her to read. Syx is only five years older than her, just in case you were wondering. While I would love for the two of them to fall in love with each other, it seems excessively alike The Immortals series…where Daine falls in love with her teacher (a mage) and ditto for said mage. Now, I do have another possible suitor for Mari, but I’ll keep that hush-hush for now. It’s very scandalous (no, no one in her family. That’s impossible, but more on that later), if I do say so myself. I mean, an age difference off seven or eight years is accepted…I think. Let me consult with my assistant.
Yes, Jessica has declared that it is acceptable. Anyone wishing to protest Jessica’s verdict should phone in through my other assistant, Gordon. He’s a golden retriever; lovable, but dim. He’s a rescue so I haven’t the heart to fire him. Thus I hired Jessica as my second assistant.
Okay, Alanna’s way too tired and should go to bed now, but is in that sort of high you get when you’re astoundingly tired. She’s talking about her assistants (whom she doesn’t have) and apparently one is a golden retriever, who are not dim in the slightest. Alanna is also talking in third person, which may hint at a psychological problem. Oh, look, Alanna’s going to diagnose herself with a mental problem! Hooray!
Yeah, I was up ‘till about three yesterday reading. Of course, I woke up at ten thirty, which amounts to about seven and a half hours of sleep. But since I will be woken up at seven (which is in six hours and twenty-seven minutes from now), I should probably be getting to bed. After I finish my book. This should take about an hour and a half…so that’s about two-ish for bedtime.
Look at me, extending this post to three pages (I'm typing on Word on account that my internet shut off) like I’ve got all the time in the world. Alright, here you go:

“You’re such a lady,” I commented, running a finger against the length of the teacup’s handle.
“How so?” Syx asked indignantly.
“Well, there’s the fine china, the artwork that depicts flowers, the silver candlestick holders, the jewelry, and your obsession over you image, to name a few.”
“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean.” The mage turned away, stowing the kettle in a cabinet.
“Please, Syx. I notice more than most people do. Hyper-aware, I believe I’ve been called.” I brushed a strand of hair behind my ear. “Of course I’m not saying that you’re homosexual-” – he winced at the word – “-but it’s simply amusing to see a twenty-year old male mage who wears more jewelry than a lady.” Syx sat down, pursing his lips, though his eyes smiled.
“Coming from a lower citywoman who looks like a noble, I’m not going to dignify that with a response,” he sniffed.
“You know, I’m so glad I’m not a noble. Gods, I can barely breathe!” I exclaimed, fingering the dress.
“You could take that off, if you wanted,” Syx told me. I gave him a shocked look, and he reddened. “I didn’t mean it like that!”
“Sure you didn’t.” I sipped my tea.
“Mari! I just meant that I could get something for you to wear-”
“-Your clothes are too big-”
“Do you forget that I’m a mage?!”
“Not at all, Mr. Most-Powerful-Mage-In-The-World,” I snorted. Syx glared at me for a moment before angrily drinking his tea. “I’m kidding, Syx.”
“Good,” he replied shortly.
“Come on, smile,” I wheedled. He fought to keep his frown. I stood up and stepped behind his chair, positioning my lips beside his ear. “Smile, Maxwell Strima,” I whispered. He turned and looked at me, staring deep into my eyes. So deep, in fact, that I felt as if he could read my thoughts, that he could see my soul.
I turned away quickly.
“So, I should probably get going,” I said loudly. “Thanks for the books, by the way. They’re…pretty.”
“Pretty?” The mage raised one eyebrow, amused.
“Yeah. And um, the meeting with the king was nice. He’s different than I expected.” I collected up the books. “And thanks…for the tea. Mm, wonderful! Never had such good tea in my life, to be honest.”
“Mari,” he said patiently.
“Oh, and should I mention that your house is lovely! Absolutely lovely!” I backed up, heading for the door. “I suppose I should like to know the name of your decorator-” I caught my foot on a small table, and tumbled backwards, landing flat on my back.
“Oh, shit!” Syx was helping me up in an instant. “Gods, Mari, be careful! You know that doors don’t just magically guide you through them, right?” He smiled, handing me a book.
“Yes, I do,” I snatched the book from his hand. “You just distracted me.”
“Right. So it had nothing to do with my decorator?” He laughed.
“Glad you find me so amusing,” I huffed, readjusting my hold on the volumes. “It’s wonderful to know that you’ll have a walking comedy around you for the next few years.”
“Better than a walking corpse,” he pointed out brightly. I glowered at him. “Although I suppose you could manage that, in time.” I froze.
“What…like, raise the dead?”
“I don’t know how powerful you’ll be, Mari. But if you wanted to, I think you could, eventually.” I blinked several times. This was something new to ponder.

I've been an emotional wreck for the past few days, and practically anything will set me off, whether it be on a crying fit or a screaming fit. I'm just so sick of everything. I'm about one annoying comment away from shoving my brother onto the highway, and can think of nothing better than starting school. Honestly? Am I really so pathetic? I honestly think that because I write so much is one of the reasons that my depression's gone away. It's like I'm making an escape to a different place, where things are different. I can get caught up in my own little world and get away from everything around me. Sanctuary? Hm, perhaps.


Saturday, August 15, 2009

Take A Picture, We Don't Care

Okay, so today I got to fly a plane. Technically, it was a glider, but that’s still an airplane, just without a motor. I have to say that it was perhaps one of the most amazing things I I’ve ever done in my life. It’s like a roller coaster, only the sensations last longer. Stalling was absolutely terrifying in an amazing way. You point the nose straight up until you’re about to flip end over end, and plummet backwards until you pull the plane back even. You can also turn sharply, angling the nose down then pull up at the last second before you get to much speed that you’re about to crash. God, it was so amazing.

I found out that I can get my glider permit this year, and my license next year. I can get my pilot’s permit next year, and my license the year after that. I’ve asked my parents if I can take lessons in Virginia, and they’re pretty okay with it since they’re both pilots themselves. It is a tad expensive, but my family is not in any immediate financial peril.

Anyways, I’ve written twenty-two pages in my story so far, so I’m making progress. Eight more pages and I’m home free. Another excerpt:

“Don’t mention it.” She tugged on the laces, and I swear I felt a rib snap. “Sorry if it hurts.” I winced in reply. Liza helped me until I was completely dressed, shoes and all. The low neckline of the dress fell below the diamond pendant, and I fingered it anxiously.
“I’m so nervous,” I admitted.
“Stop it, Mari. You look like a noblewoman if I ever saw one. You have nothing to be nervous about.”
“Besides the fact that I look like I belong in Court. Damn it, Liza, can I look?” She hadn’t allowed me to see myself in the mirror.
“Go ahead.” I turned around and gasped.
“Shit, Liza, I can't do this,” the girl in the mirror murmured. Curses didn’t seem to fit in her mouth. I turned away from her reflection. “I can't, I can't, and I won't.”
“Let’s go downstairs.” I reddened at the mere thought.
“No!” But she grabbed my hand and towed me into the hallway, then down the stairs; I only made it halfway down before I heard the whooping.
“Mari!” Someone catcalled. I hid my face in my hands as everyone stared. Then there was a crash from the kitchen, and someone swearing.
“Damn it, Kristian! That shit was boiling, you are aware?” Fres’s booming voice filled the room. I lowered my hands and saw Kristian staring at me. A kettle lay on the ground, the hot water that had once occupied it now all over the floor.
He stared at me the way that the men had done to Lady Amanda of Port Judah last winter. That woman was the most beautiful human in the world, they would say. Every man wanted to dance with her. Even the lower citymen had fallen hard for the noblewoman. It made me uncomfortable that Kristian now looked at me that way.
“Say something,” I demanded softly. The man put his elbows on the counter, facing away from me, and put his head in his hands.
“Go…. Leave!” He shouted. I stumbled back, hurt. The bells began to ring their seven chimes.
“Please,” he looked at me. “Just leave. Gods, I can't do this, Mari. Just go.”

Hope everyone’s having a great summer/start of school.


Friday, August 14, 2009

Hope It's Not Too Late


Ever notice how the letter “y” makes everything look more elegant? Seriously! I’ve only just noticed this, but it’s quite amusing.

Anyways, I’ve started a new story. Nothing that would require a long-term commitment, you understand. Just a distraction to help me get over my writer’s block. I realized it only took me five months to write my first book. The second one is going on its eighth month. Really? How unfair is that? So I have my new one to entertain me. It’s set in a medieval- type world, one where magic is possible. For anyone whose read Tamora Pierce’s work, it’s the same basic idea for the setting. But what sucks about writing about a place that doesn’t exist is that I need a map to understand where everything is. So I’ve spent the past few hours drawing a goddamn map. I’ve named all the wonderful countries, rivers, capitals, ports, cities, bodies of water, and mountain ranges. I can tell you about the government of each country, as well as their major imports and exports. I can tell you about the imminent war between two countries. I can name the rulers of each country. But I can't tell you where my story’s going or what the point of it is. So hooray!

On a happier note: I finally asked my mother about dyeing my hair! She said yes, and said that I could even get some temporary dye to figure out exactly what I want before we go to a salon. Seriously, I almost fainted when she told me that. My parents have been yelling at me nonstop over the past couple days, so much so that I’m truly worried about my depression coming back. So my mother being really nice? Something is up, but I’m not sure what.

How do you tell where a gulf ends and a sea begins? Or do you even need the gulf? Because I’m looking at the Kryst Sea and the Maslin Gulf and cannot figure out if I need the gulf or not.

Alright, it’s officially the next day. I’ve been staying up really late typing for the past few days, so it’s not that uncommon for me to randomly glance at the clock and be like: “Oh, is it morning already?” I hope to God I'm not becoming insomniatic again. Because that was an aspect of my prior depression….

I’ll post a bit of my new story if that’s alright. This is the beginning of chapter one:

“Marica? Wake up, sweetie.” I didn’t understand. I peeked through heavy eyelids and saw only my mother, holding a lantern. Was this some birthday surprise? I was turning eight years old next week, so I was practically a lady. But I didn’t want to be a lady if I had to wake up this early.
“Yes, it’s me, sweetheart.” She stroked my cheek. “Hurry and get up. Kel’s waiting.” Kel was Mama’s friend who trained the hunting dogs in our village. He was nice, as far as men went, but he wasn’t my Da.
I stumbled out of my bed, letting Ma pull a man’s tunic over my head. It reached past my feet, dragging on the floor. Ma pursed her lips.
“I s’pose it’ll have to do,” she muttered, handing me a bag. I took a peek inside. My doll Ana was in there, along with some other cloths that looked like clothes, perhaps.
“Mama, what’s happening?” She smiled sadly.
“You don’t belong here, child. I want to give you a better life than the one we have here.” My eyebrows pulled together.
“Whaddya mean?” I asked. She shook her head, tying back my hair with a ribbon. Mama kissed my cheeks and took me outside.
“Listen to me, Marica Catelli,
I love you. And I’m doing this because I want what’s best for you.” A tear rolled down her cheek. “I’m going to miss you, sweetheart.” I began to panic.
“Where am I going?”
“Out of Crenta. Kel will take you to Arnan, and leave you with a friend of his who’ll look after you until you can decide what you want to do with your life.”
“Mama, no! I want to stay here with you!” I grabbed her hand as tight as I possibly could. She squeezed my small hand.
“I will find you one day, Mari. I
promise.” Then she picked me up and set me on Dusty, the stallion that Pa had bought her only a week before he died. “I promise that no matter what, I’m going to be with you again.” Kel reached for my reins from his mare. “Look after her, Kel.” The man nodded.
“You have my word, Sara.”
That day, Kel and I rode for Arnan. He never spoke to me, not even to quiet my sobs. Three days later I arrived in the city. Minus Kel and plus Kristian. There had been an accident; Kel was killed, and I’d lost every memory I had, except for my name. Marica. No last name, just Marica. Kristian found me several hours later.
After that, I grew up with thieves.


“Kristian, get up!” I pounded on the door to his room. “Or I’ll come in there and toss all your clothes outside!” The door creaked open, a bleary-eyed Kris swearing under his breath.
“Gods curse you, Mari. That goddamned pack of wolves that raised you had better hope that they meet an early death.” I grinned. That pack of wolves had been him and his friends, the thieves of the lower city.
“You know you love me,” I said, standing on tip-toe to rest my head on his shoulder. I peered at him with my icy blue eyes. He kissed me on my cheek, his dark brown eyes dancing.
“Come on, kid. You’ve gotta bellow your heart out to get the rest of them awake.” I laughed sourly.
“The Gods know it. And stop calling me ‘kid,’” I shouted after him. “I’m only, what? Five years younger than you?” Kris turned and smiled wide as he began to make his way to the bottom floor.
“Ramari, wake up!” I threw his door open. The man was already up, pulling his cloak around him. “Where are you going?”
“To Rallam.” He noticed my look. “Don’t give me that, Marica Adman. I’ve perfectly fair business there, and I don’t need your approval.” I snorted.
“No business you’ve ever done is fair, Ramari Sri. That is why I have to mother you all the time,” I punched his shoulder, truthfully sad that he was leaving for a long while. Rallam was far away.
“Oh, really? Then why must I constantly point out to you that you’ve forgotten to tie your hair back?” He handed me a black band, smiling. I cursed and took it from him, tying my thick, black hair into a bun.

Hooray. I’ve only got thirteen pages so far, but I’m nearly halfway there! See, I have a theory that if I make it past thirty pages then I’ve got a stable story. Only my fist book and sequel have done so. I’ve had some stories make it to twenty-eight, but tragically ended. So yeah. I suppose I’ll be getting back to my story now, and I’ll post this when I have internet this morning. So au revoir and adieu.

Peace Out

EDIT: I hate how it won't let me indent paragraphs.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Good News!


Saturday, August 8, 2009

Put Your Drink Up In The Air/ Like No One Can Do It, Baby

August 7:

God, I am in such a bad mood. If driving three hundred miles yesterday wasn’t enough, I was also stuck with my five year old brother the entire time. You honestly have no idea how pissed off I am. I’ve totally decided that I hate children, and have more then once contemplated shoving him in a well. Anyways, we’re in CANADA today…just crossed the border actually. My parents are hounding me to read the signs because they’re all in French. It’s like Germany all over again (parents forcing me to translate). Of course Sam is screaming his head off because he doesn’t know how to spell any of the French words, only drawing me closer to murder. Seriously, if I never blog again, it’s because I’m in jail for first-degree murder. Gah MAKE HIM SHIUT THE HELL UP. I AM SO FUCKING ANNOYED WITH HIM I ACTUALLY MIGHT CRY. And not to mention that he woke me up at six fucking thirty this morning. Every word out of his mouth is…GAH! “Did you hear me hiccup? I want to get bubblegum. I want to go to Canadian. Mommy I want to get some bubble gum. You’re stuuupid. I love chiens. I love chiens. I love chiens. Mommy I love chiens! MOMMY I LOVE CHIENS. I’m hungry. NO I DROPPED BLANKIE MOMMY GET HIM DADDY DADDY DADDY I NEED MY BLANKIE! Whoopsies, I accidentally broke the DVD player. I didn’t try but it just broked. MOMMY I WANT SOME BUBBLEGUM. *hiccup* THEY WON’T GO AWAY! LANNA ARE YOU TIRED. ARE YOU TIRED, LANNA? I wish we would’ve brought the Wii. Aw, man, I can't watch a movie. *starts whimpering loudly* MOMMY I’M BORED. Helicopter! HELICOPTER! Only Canadians live here and that’s why there’s a Canadian helicopter and houses. You know what? We should go camping and no one could wake us up. Hey, mom. Hey, mom. I want some bubblegum if it’s in there.” And that’s taken word-for-word from what he’s said over the past minute. He also has this fucking annoying idea that rapid, rabid, and rabbit are the same fucking word. And it’s not even cute. Because whenever my mom says: “oh, look, rapids.” Sam screams at the top of his lungs: “THERE ARE NO STUPID BUNNIES THERE!” And he thinks he’s sooo funny.

Oh my God, hahaha! There’s a town here called Emo…. My mom gave me an odd look when I burst out laughing after seeing the sign.

Alright, I finally got a pair of earphones and am now blasting Cinema Bizarre as loud as the fucking computer can. It still cannot drown out the sounds of my brother, if that says anything. Granted, my sound is all screwed up on the computer and these headphones are not the greatest.

Also, for whatever reason, my mom is totally stuck on Cinema Bizarre. My background is a collage of pictures of Yu, Kiro, and Strify, and she saw it and just stared at it for a while before asking who the people were. And she’s always asking about them…. It’s a little creepy, to tell the truth. She doesn’t do that with Tokio Hotel (I think they scare her a little, actually), My Chem, or any of the other bands I like. Just Cinema Bizarre. And you would think that they would scare her even more because the entire band is pretty androgynous. I suppose they just confuse her.

Another thing: I’ve gotten I Came 2 Party stuck in my head so badly that it’s driving me absolutely insane. Definitely not good for me.

Alright, I’m going to have to shut my computer off soon because using iTunes has nearly killed the battery, and the stupid cigarette lighters in the car don’t work…we’ve bought two energy inverters and neither of them will work in the car. So I’m going have to deal without music for the rest of the day *cry* because I left my iPod at the hotel.

TO SARAH: I’ve changed the phrase “easy as pie” to “easy as the little mermaid,” although I suppose you could put Helen Keller in there as well XD

Peace Out


August 8:

This is the most fucked up vacation ever. So recap of today: woke up by insolent little child at seven; have to paddle pontoon boat across part of one of the great lakes; have iPod taken away for yelling at insolent little child because he kept kicking me impetuously; drive for six hours back to Wisconsin; tornado warning issued; tornado touches down in neighboring county. This is like a cliché “worst day ever.” It’s rained six inches over the past hour, and there’s baseball-sized hail. Not to mention the blinding rain and 30 mph winds. FUCK MY LIFE. Damn it, this is why I hate vacations.

I’m changing the reason you might never hear from me again from jail time to death-by-weather. Of course my mom finds this absolutely fascinating, being a weather major and all.

I HATE MY LIFE. Or what’s left of it.

Oh, and I just found out that I have another disease, this one called Dyshidrosis. It's a type of eczema that both my older brother and my dad have.... Oh, yes, fuck my life. I now have two diseases: a skin disease and tuberculosis. Hooray!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


So good news! I've found a way to get music videos on iTunes without buying them. I use the downloaded videos and replace the files for existing music videos. In order to keep the videos I already have, I've found a way to duplicate one of the existing videos, which creates a new file altogether. Then I use the copy. I've already got two different music videos (I Came 2 Party and An Deiner Seite). It took me a long time because I found out that you had to change them from .flv files to .mp4 files.

I've also figured out how to separate the audio from videos and put them on iTunes as songs. I've only been able to do it with one video so far since the second one I tried screwed up and I just lost interest. So now I have the acoustic version of Reden (the first version of it that I heard and also my favorite of the two).... See the problem with taking the audio files from music videos is that music videos have other sounds in them (Der Letzte Tag, 1000 Meere, etc.) that I don't want in the song. Thankfully the acoustic Reden isn't a music video: it's a studio video. When they're recording it. I don't think it ever became a song, since I haven't seen it on the German iTunes. I just adore the song though.

I'll be leaving for Wisconsin tomorrow, so I won't be able to post for the next few weeks. I'll say adeiu and say it sorrowfully.

So Why Don't We Party Together

Ha! I have finally beaten my computer! I now have Cinema Bizarre's new video for I Came 2 Party.... Mwahahaha! This has further instilled my belief that European websites are loads better than American ones.... Love how in the video Kiro's just sitting in a corner reading anime.... I also must admit that Space Cowboy is pretty good in this song even though I usually hate collaborartions (except for the MCR-The Used cover of Under Pressure: GENIUS!) And I'm very glad that Cinema Bizarre added a little something extra to the "wild party" video. I admit freely that some of the masks scare me. *keeps staring at Strify and Kiro* I do this with all music videos. I am completely and utterly helpless to some guys in bands.

Alright, I'm a little worried about myself. I've found that, as of late, pop music is becoming increasingly less annoying. I mean, I adore Cinema Bizarre, and their music about as pop as you can get.

Throw the f*cking cameras up.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Say Hello To Goodbye

EEE! I'M HAVING A SPASTIC FANGIRL MOMENT! On the French amazon they have samples of each of Cinema Bizarre's songs on the Toyz album.... *eyes swell to size of dinner plates* The second album seems much better than the first, perhaps because of the loss of Luminor. They do have Space Cowboy sing in one track, but whatever. I absolutely adore Cinema Bizarre and can't wait for the new album.... EEE! Have to say that my favorite songs so far are Heaven Is Wrapped In Chains, Sad Day (For Happiness), Deeper and Deeper (I actually have that song on my iPod through a bit of sure-to-be-illegal downloading), Out Of Love, Tears In Vegas (I've actually heard the entirety of this song somewhere....), American Beauty,

You know, I really love how international CB is.... They're a German band with English lyrics and French titles.... Either I love it because it's cool or it's just very amusing.

Strify's English also amazes me. He speaks more eloquently than most Americans (how many people in our country know what the words "tantric" or "blasphemy"mean?) and has pretty much no accent. Other than that, he's just totally amazing.

Alright, know what? Not even spell check thinks that "tantric" is a word. Look it up on an online dictionary: IT'S A WORD!

All these bands releasing new albums make me excited. Cinema Bizarre, Tokio Hotel, My Chemical Romance, and Paramore, just to name a few. Actually, both Cinema Bizarre and Tokio Hotel are releasing two albums.... CB is releasing Toyz and a compilation CD to be released in America that is both their first and seconds albums. Tokio Hotel has a German album and an English album.

Getting back to people with surprisingly good English, I've found that Tom Kaulitz is actually very well-written (he has a blog). If I didn't know that he wasn't a native English speaker, I would probably think he was. Also, on his latest blog, you will find my inspiration of certain parts of my book where Tom (actually named after Tom Kaulitz, to be honest) calls Cody his "little brother" even though they're twins. It just makes me laugh.

In other music news, has anyone heard Boys Like Girls' new song: Love Drunk? It's a very funny song.

I used to be love drunk
But now I’m hungover
I’ll love you forever
Forever is over
We used to kiss all night
Now it’s just a bar fight
So don’t call me crying
Say hello to goodbye

Anyways, I'm quite excited about all the new music stuff out there, whether it be the music or the people who make it (many of who are extremely hot).

Hopefully there'll be something interesting to do in Wisconsin....where I will have no internet. And no printer. And no mall less than two hours away. And nothing but cows until three hours away. I can't even hope to meet a cute guy or something (which isn't really me anyways) because there's NOTHING. Here's what happens the first two days that we're there:
Wake up at four-thirty
Get to airport at six
Plane takes off at eight-thirty
Land in Minnesota at eleven
Drive for three hours into Wisconsin
Arrive in Balsam Lake at two
Eat dinner
Pack up again
Go to Sleep
Wake up at six
Pack up car
Leave at seven
Drive for about eight hours to Minnesota
Arrive at Jack's camp around three
Sit in hotel room
Go to Jack's camp and watch Indian dancing
Return to hotel

It's pathetic how amusing I find my own writing...I probably shouln't find things that I came up with so funny.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Tired And Contrived

I find it very ironic that I hated economics in school and yet I just had a half-hour long discussion with my dad about European economies versus the American economy and what our country ignored up in the seventies that Europe did something about. And then, as we began to talk about cars, it led to talking about how China subsidizes gas which then led to talking about communism. I mentioned a quote that I'd read somewhere that says: "Communism doesn't work because people like to own things." And we began talking about that idea and agreed that it basically summarizes in a nutshell why communism always fails.... I honestly love talking about how short-sighted America is (I disagreed with my dad when he said that America is always thinking about tomorrow instead of next year or the next year; instead saying that America usually is only thinking about "today"), as well as talking about communism. I have no Earthly idea why it fascinates me so much, but it just does. I think I scared my mom a little bit when I asked her to buy the book about the extremely violent revolution. Well I'm certainly not going to read a book about the Velvet Revolution (Czechoslovakian revolution)...that would be boring and entirely unhelpful in my studies of revolution as violent revolutions are far more common and interesting. That probably sounds horrible, but it's true. Would you rather read about people walking around holding flowers or people dodging bullets and being chased by riot police (not that that's the premise of my third book)? Hm....

Alright, I'll be shutting up now.


Sanctus Domine Deus

It seems to me that I have beome addicted to blogger. Well, I suppose there are worse things to be addicted to.... Anyways, today I ordered a book (and by that I mean I made my mommy buy it for me >:) ) from Amazon. The Romanian Revolution of December 1989... It's for my revolution studies pertaining to my third book. I actually have written some of it over yesterday and today, but only the preface and the epilogue. I still have to finish the second book before I start writing the body of the third.... computer is getting black stuff on my floor, hands, and pants. What the hack is on the bottom?

Well, last night concluded my Two Series - Seven Nights challenge. I set myself a goal to read two quartets by Tamora Pierce in one week...all at night. Needless to say, I haven't slept very much since my dad will wake me up at ten (obnoxiously loudly, I might add) if I'm not awake by then. And then he yells at me for getting like six hours of sleep...if I even get that much. The two series I read were the Song of the Lioness and The Immortals. I fell in love with Tamora Pierce's writing after I read the first Song of the Lioness book...the main character's name is Alanna. Which is frikken awesome. And I must admit that I have a soft spot for the name Jonathan now, even though Alanna married George. And I absolutely adore The Immortals series since I love animals so much. I also just love Numair even though he's what...fifteen years older than Daine? Sarah, do you remember whether or not they get married in a later series? I can't quite remember. I want to say yes but I also want to say no.

Truthfully, I love staying up at night and reading. And if I force myself out of bed, it's nice to just walk around. And then I get to text other people who are still awake at one in the morning, or people who live in other time zones.

I have recently (past half hour) discovered how to curl hair with a straightener.... It's very hard. So I kinda gave up.

La. Dee. Da.

Au Revoir


Last night I realized the extent of my insanity. I'd stayed up reading (again) and my parents had stayed up watching a movie, and we all finished at about the same time. Anyways, my dad went downstairs to check the locks and everything and when he came upstairs, when he turned the corner, I said very brightly: "It's Sunday, y'know. And it's so cool because we're all awake and it's already Sunday and I only slept a little on Saturday you know I never sleep at the end of the day, always in the morning of the next day because I just do." And I smiled very wide. The rest of the conversation is as follows:
"Alanna, I woke up at four. I'm tired. Got to bed."
"Why'd ya wake up at four?"
"To work on my book in peace and quiet." (he's writing a book about military history)
"You should've been waking up at four before I'd gone to camp and couldn't sleep at all."
"That would ruin the purpose of waking up at four."
"It would be good for my mental well-being."
"No, really. Then maybe I'd stop talking to myself in my mind in German. I do that, yknow."
"Okay, Alanna." He pats me on the shoulder. "Go to bed now." Then he walks down the hallway into his room. I burst out laughing; he glares at me and shuts his door, leaving me in the hallway.

Yup, I'm certifiably insane. And this entire thing took place with me talking in this perky-psychotic tone of voice. It's also an example of how hyper I get every night.


Saturday, August 1, 2009


I'm watching Air Force One and am very happy that they chose to acknowledge the fact that Ramstein Air Force Base exists.... I know it's the largest military base outside of the U.S. (was anyone else aware of that?), but it really doesn't get enough credit. I myself find it hard to believe that the base is the largest outside the U.S.,but why argue with the facts? In case people hadn't inferred, that was the base my parents worked on and that I went to school on for five years. The thing that saddens me about this movie is that there's no German in it though it's in Germany. There is Russian, however.

Lately I've been watching a ton of movies (like five every day) ranging from the romantic comedies that my mom has about fifty of to stuff like I Am Legend. I actually choked on a sip of water when I was watching The Wedding Date when I realized that James Norrington (Pirates, anyone?) played the groom. Then Dermot Mulroney was in two movies in a row (I'm officially in love with him now). Finding Neverland made me cry. Billy Elliot was by far the most controversial movie as it addressed issues such as homosexuality and domestic violence. And I loved the end of I Am Legend. None of the romance movies could ever compare to Forever Young, however. Okay, I must remind myself that I am not a movie critic and therefore must stop talking about these movies.

Anyways, as you can tell, the past few days have been pretty slow. Between writing, editing, and watching movies, I haven't gotten much done. Actually, today was more interesting the rest. I had boiling water spilled on me twice! Whoo. Hoo. Also, last night I read two books. So I'm tired as hell today.

Also, I am proud to announce that I have gotten over talking to myself in English. It's a habit that I fell into when I was quite little, and I assure you I am in no way psychopathic. Actually, I'm not so sure anymore. Because now I talk to myself in German. They're mental conversations, not verbal ones, but I do get stuck in German quite quickly. My little brother was annoying me while I was making lunch, so I told him irritably: "Du bist dabei, eines Nachts aufzuwachen und zu einem Fahnenmast festgeschnallt zu werden in Südamerika." Which roughly translates to: You are going to wake up in the middle of the night strapped to a flagpole in South America. A bit mean, yes. And it just took me five minutes to write that on Word because of the stupid accents. Not to mention spelling it correctly. I understand spoken and written German, and can speak it, but writing it is very frustrating for me because of the accent marks.

I really don't remember what I wanted to write about. There was something that I thought to be important, but it has completely slipped my mind.

You know, I so wish my family was wealthy. My HotTopic wishlist is like fifty items long....
