Sunday, August 2, 2009


Last night I realized the extent of my insanity. I'd stayed up reading (again) and my parents had stayed up watching a movie, and we all finished at about the same time. Anyways, my dad went downstairs to check the locks and everything and when he came upstairs, when he turned the corner, I said very brightly: "It's Sunday, y'know. And it's so cool because we're all awake and it's already Sunday and I only slept a little on Saturday you know I never sleep at the end of the day, always in the morning of the next day because I just do." And I smiled very wide. The rest of the conversation is as follows:
"Alanna, I woke up at four. I'm tired. Got to bed."
"Why'd ya wake up at four?"
"To work on my book in peace and quiet." (he's writing a book about military history)
"You should've been waking up at four before I'd gone to camp and couldn't sleep at all."
"That would ruin the purpose of waking up at four."
"It would be good for my mental well-being."
"No, really. Then maybe I'd stop talking to myself in my mind in German. I do that, yknow."
"Okay, Alanna." He pats me on the shoulder. "Go to bed now." Then he walks down the hallway into his room. I burst out laughing; he glares at me and shuts his door, leaving me in the hallway.

Yup, I'm certifiably insane. And this entire thing took place with me talking in this perky-psychotic tone of voice. It's also an example of how hyper I get every night.


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