Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Isn't It Nice To Finally Be Laid To Rest?

Holy sh*t! I signed up for this numerology thing online simply because I was bored...and I just got back the results. Holy sh*t. I'm seriously afraid that this person is stalking me. OH MY GOD. This person knows everything about me, it seems. What my chosen career is, the way I feel about people, my personality, and my "love life" (laughs). Oh, sh*t. This is seriously scary. I'm actually shaking right now.

In other news, I've discovered a site where I can pretty much download any song I want...for free. I'm a little hesitant because I don’t know if it's legal. But Safe Eyes didn't block it (it blocks illegal things), and since that program is like an over-protective mother, I can assume that the site's safe. Now let the music downloading begin! So far I've only downloaded two songs....

Okay, since I've finished Death Note, I started watching Vampire Knight. It's pretty good, but it's not in English so it's rather annoying to have to read the subtitles while I type. The show has lots of hot guys, which is nice. However, they've just introduced a new character, one that is nearly as annoying as Misa in Death note. I hate those kind of girls who are all boy-crazy and like...intrude on their personal bubble. If I were I guy, I would hate a girl who's clinging onto me every second. Or one of those whiny girls who are always around, wanting to protected. Ugh. Can't girls understand that the reason our sex is deemed inferior is because of people like that? It’s infuriating.

However, at least Misa wasn’t walking up to other girls and being all flirty with them. Maria’s just plain annoying.


1 comment:

X-GoneBeyondRepair-X said...

Nothing can compare to Death Note. And I just realized that Vampire Knight is way too over dramatic, like, everything that happens is like the end of the world.