Saturday, February 7, 2009

Read It If You Can Understand It

Today qualifies as weird. Sure, it started out harmlessly enough. I woke up, read for about an hour, made muffins (muffins make everything good), got on the computer and started writing. I've been writing almost all day. I started a sequel story to the one I just finished, but I get to be even more mean to my characters because one of them has survivor syndrome and complex post-traumatic stress disorder (I cannot explain how much research I've done on psychological trauma. Ugh.). Actually, they're all mentally scarred, but Cody's the person that holds their group together, so he's more fun to be traumatized. Anyways, much to heartbreak of all **cough cough**, yes, he's gone slightly crazy, but he started smoking and starts failing classes and such. And they've all broken apart and whatever. But that's not why my day was weird. Two of my camp counselors called. I was sitting at the computer and my mom walks in with this really weird face and goes "someone named Tom is calling you" and I'm like "O...K...." and I answer the phone and it's Tom (he's the skiing instructor at camp who joined the Coast Guard and never said goodbye to us). And he's just like asking me stuff such as if I'm coming to camp or whatever and he says he's going this year (Yes!). Then he asks to talk to my dad (Hm...I still don't know why he wanted to...I'm gonna go ask my dad after I finish writing this). And a couple minutes later I'm downstairs in the kitchen when my dad comes back down and he's like, "It's Michael,"and hands the phone to me.... And of course I talked to Michael and he told me about what they're doing to camp (renovating the cabins (but of course he made me guess what they were doing and I'm like "Um, I don't know, it could be a million things) and making them all new). And then he proceeded to make fun of me (so saw that coming) and told me I was special (with annoying implications. Ugh.).

Anyways, sorry if that left everyone very confused. I'll post the Preface for the sequel because I have no life and have nothing else to do (as Ben has pointed out many times).

Also, Sarah, did you ever notice how Tom doesn't have a Southern accent?

We the people of the United States. In order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

America was established after the Revolutionary War. It became a democratic world power quickly. But the problem with being a world power is that magic word: power. Men’s greed is legendary. It has been written about in many forms. Even in fictitious literature, through the likes of J. K. Rowling and J. R. R. Tolkien. Eventually, the prospect of being in charge of the most powerful country in the world would become too strong.

We’ve all heard it before: give our children a better world than we had. But what if, what if our children gave us a better world than what we would have given them? What if our children rose up to fight against something that we were too weak, too scared to face? What if our children showed us how to change the world? If that happened, would you believe it?

It’s the time, right now, to start believing. It’s the time, this second, to rise up. It’s the time, this moment, to join together. Men and women, girls and boys, whites and blacks, gays and straights, everyone. Join together in an army that will change our world.

Also, when Brenda was reading my story, she felt bad for Trevor when he got shot.... How?! Am I the only one who thinks Trevor is annoying?! Ugh....

By the way, this is way random, but here's a picture of Tom. He's on the far left. (No, not the little kid)

Also, sorry about the formatting on the Preface sample. It's jacked up.


SBBan said...

i cant wait till camp! even more than usual! i cant believe how the screwed up cabin 2! it pisses me off so bad... but tom's coming back we don't have to cry every time we hear his name! ok, sorry i'm just so excited...

Alanna said...

TOM TIME! I'm so happy he's coming back!!!!

X-GoneBeyondRepair-X said...

his head looks fluffy xD