Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Lies and Rumors

Rumors. They come from everywhere, but no where at the same time. They are whispers in the air. No one knows where they're started; no one knows how they know. It's the axiom of rumor-spreading. It's what makes them hang around for so long. Frustrating, right? No. The eternal conundrum of lies and truth woven so tightly together is unlike anything that us humans could thin up. Why they are so appealing, no one is quite sure. We are, by nature, social creatures. But the reason that we spread lies is unfathomable. We spread the lies, but feel betrayed when a rumor about us comes along. Is there a reason that we're so selfish? We are greedy. We enjoy that brief feeling of power. Somehow, we are unable to control it no matter how hard we try.

Okay, I don't really know why I wrote that.

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