Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Verdict

Well, I truly believe that the system has failed. My friend has to do 20-40 hours of community service, and a time period for that will be set at a hearing. And she's being banned from the store for a year. Dammit, what the hell is wrong with this? INNOCENT UNTIL BEING PROVEN GUILTY, YOU BAST*RDS!


SBBan said...

are you for real!??!!!?? they can justifiable punish a teenage girl for key word accidently walking out of claires with a bracelet???? seriously? or does the world just get high of of screwing with people, that's awful..

Alanna said...

Oh, I think they just like screwing people over

X-GoneBeyondRepair-X said...

I'm really worried about her, she hasn't messaged me or called, but I figured she's grounded or something (even though it was an accident). I'm still mad about how messed up it is.