Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Nothing Whatsoever

Finally, it's the second-to-last week of school. I realize most people are already out for summer and LUCKY YOU. I still have French Final parts 1 and 2 and Books of Hope, but then I'm free from school exams/projects. Then I will commence my "badness" and freely ditch classes to go and annoy Mr. Fones or Mr. Mandell. In a way, I want school to be out because I want to be free of some people (basically everyone in my chorus class) and because I won't have to procrastinate anything (my #1 skill). But I also don't want it to end because a lot of people won't be going to school with me next year. There's Andrew, Tyler, Grace, Amber, Jessica, and Patrick (maybe). Since I don't consider very many people to be my true "friends," that's a pretty good chunk of people. I'm also aware that many of you don't know who these people are. I can only hope that after Grace has her two-year stint in Italy that she'll move back here instead of to Japan. And that Patrick will choose his friends over baseball. And that Tyler will hate WHATEVER THE HELL HIS SCHOOL IS and come back. Because who wants to go into D.C. every day to go to school? Plus, who on Earth even knows what his school's name is?

And I'll be depressingly bored during my Virginia weeks. In Alabama I'll be at camp (which is never boring; mostly it's great except slightly depressing at times *cough* Jen *cough*). And in Wisconsin I'll have my family and my mom's side of the family forcing me not to be antisocial. They even make me go out on the boat. O_O In the sunlight. Around other people. Just kidding (my horror). But they do make me do that stuff; it's not enjoyable. Can't they see I'm perfectly happy with sitting around with my laptop and writing? I do NOT want to go hunting with Corey, or go drive some weird vehicle with Josh, or go and tan with Erin, or help Uncle Steve with manual labor, or help Aunt Laura cook. Or watch Sam, help Jack carry stuff, or talk to my parents. See? I'm basically no good at all. So just let me be. I also do not want to endure Josh's bashing of the bands I like and how all the guys in the afore mentioned bands are "band fags." Josh is in a band. When I called him a hypocrite, he gave me a weird look. I don't think he knows what it means.

Okay, I realize that none of my blog made much of any sense but whatever. Toodles!



Kira said...

It's "Gonzaga", or something sounding kinda like a war cry. Btw, this is Kira.

Alanna said...

Kirakins, it's not letting me post a comment on your blog. :'(

But I was going to say:

Damn, Kira, I was on your art page and I seriously never realized how totally amazazing you are at drawing eyes (okay, that's the subject of my fascination). I can't draw eyes to save my life. So thank you, your pictures have become my new practice doodles. :D

And thanks for TyTy's school name. I think I'll say it in a "war-cry"-like voice from now on