Friday, June 26, 2009

Sleepless Nights, Nightmare Dreams

Hello, I decided to post a resolution to my guitar/amp issues yesterday. I'm putting pictures below, but first I wanted to say: THANK YOU AMANDA I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! I probably would have driven myself mad with this but you gave me great recommendations for guitars/amps. Not quite sure if these are the same as yours, but...yeah. Thank you so much!

Squier Affinity Series Stratocaster:

Line 6 Spider III 15 15W 1x8 Amplifier:

>>Hurrah! The nightmare is over! Well, not exactly a nightmare considering I haven't slept a wink in over 24 hours. I seriously laid in bed all night a was bored as hell. Then, at about 4am, I went downstairs to the kitchen and sat on the floor and read for an hour. Then I went upstairs and wandered for twenty minutes. Next, I decided I was hungry and got a bowl of cereal. So at about 5:30, my mom comes downstairs (bleary-eyed and so not awake) and says, "You have such weird sleep habits." She turns off the kitchen light (I was in the dining area and had that light on) and goes upstairs. After that, I wandered around and did random things (such as spinning in the office chair, playing with string, blowing air at my cat, and playing the piano on my desk) until 6:30am when my parents finally woke up. Then they yelled at me for not sleeping (how's that my fault? I didn't do it purposely!) and so I went back to my room and sulked. Kidding. I read my book.
>>My sleeping has been off lately. Wednesday I got about two hours of sleep since I actually did have a nightmare (a tale I will tell later). Thursday I got nearly eleven hours. And then last night, nada. Zippo. All I can say is thank GOD that I am very good at entertaining myself with my superb daydreaming abilities.
>>I'm listening to "Angels On The Moon" by Thriving Ivory. I had my doubts about this group because the only song I'd heard was" "Hey Lady" on iTunes. I have to admit, the singer's a high one. And he's got a very different voice. But listening to "Angels On The Moon" has really impressed me. They've got serious talent and what some might pass off as a horrible band just based off the singer's high voice makes them all the more unique and likable. "Long Hallway With A Broken Light" is also very good. They're a breath of fresh air in this mostly-generic music industry. I defy anyone to find a band that sounds even remotely like Thriving Ivory.
>>Alright, now I'm listening to "Causa Y Efecto" by Paulina Rubio. I'm definitely not into English pop, but I don't mind German, Spanish, French, or Japanese mainstream stuff. Mostly because that's all they have on iTunes. As long as it's not rap. *shudder* Hate rap.... Or "Hip-Hop" or whatever those people call it. I call it stupid, rhyming crap. It's like kindergarten songs with sex and drugs, in my opinion.
>>In other news, my computer's being a nuisance and blocking things it hasn't blocked before (Hulu, Hot Topic). It's so frustrating! Also, I have come up with a wonderful bridge for a song I'm working on (one of many). I'm not sure whether or not to use the German words or the English ones. I originally wrote it in German, but the English ones are also good.
>>>Ich habe Angst nicht zu leben (I am not afraid to live)<<<
>>>Wenn auch ich sterben werde (Even though I will die)<<<
>>>Wie wird mein Vermächtnis sein? (What will be my legacy?)<<<
I tell you, it is damn frustrating to get all the stupid accent marks when you're typing on Microsoft Office Word. You have to spend nearly five minutes on it.
>>Alright, I think I'm done. I've spent way too much time on this post! Adieu, mes amis!
>>>EDIT: Blogger's being weird and won't let me have seperate paragraphs.... Sorry! Now it's not organized whatsoever!
>>>>EDIT 2: Ha! Blogger can't ignore those stupid, annoying little arrows, now can it?!

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