Saturday, June 27, 2009

Usual MishMash

Seriously? Firefox crashes every other time I send an email or even attempt to view my blog. So, for a little while, I'll be using Internet Explorer. Anyways, in an attempt to not to babble about my horrid summer, I'll post an excerpt of my sequel.


Kira was back. She is around twenty now, her hair flowing down to her waist. The horse- excuse me, unicorn- still looks the same as before.
“Too late to not die,” she says, as usual. This time, however, I’m ready. As the horse stomps its feet to begin running, I grab on and fling my body over the horse’s back, oddly nimble in my dream form. Kira shouts but it’s too late. The horse careens into the dark wood, jumping over fallen logs with unearthly grace.
“What are you doing?” Kira shrieks, horror crossing her face.
“Shut up!” I scream, holding onto her tighter. Branches whip past my face until finally, we emerge from the forest. This side of the wood is a stark opposite of the meadow. It’s a large city. People gather in the streets, perfectly quiet. The horse slows to a trot as we begin to make our way down the main street. Rows and rows of people of all ages lined the sides of the road, all peering in front of us. I peek around and my jaw drops. Three tanks rumble down the road, appearing out of no where. Behind them are lines and lines more, each of them black and menacing. We move the horse to the side of the road, wedging into the entrance of a bank. I slide off, Kira landing lightly beside me.
“What is this?” I ask.
“It’s what’s going to happen if you don’t stop everything.” Kira’s now-green eyes shine with passion.
“So I can see the future now?”
“Everyone can,” she gives me a despairing look, “it’s foreseeable. It doesn’t take genius to guess what’s going to happen.” We watch the parade of tanks, followed by regimes of soldiers. They march in their black uniforms, an armband on their upper arm. The symbol on the accessory was something like this:

“What does it mean?” I ask Kira. She shrugs.
“Who knows? It’s one of those symbols that’s invented that just takes on a meaning. I suppose this one is fear. It instills fear into the very hearts of our people.”
“I can't stop this,” I said shakily, watching jets stream past overhead. Kira and I watch the sky for a few more minutes before she speaks.

Okay, there. Go to random page, find random excerpt. Continuing what I've been doing for the past few days, I'm going to post a picture. Hm...what to post? Something of Kiro, I think. Would everyone kill me if I posted all the pictures I have of him? Haha!

Okay, so I held back and only posted three. Anyways, I realize that most of my posts are a mishmash of news and obsessions and excerpts, but (for some inexplicable reason) I feel the need to share my life with all of you online. It's completely irrational, as no one uses Blogger anymore, and not very safe, but I enjoy it.
~Scream 'Till You Believe It

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