Saturday, August 29, 2009

Du Bist Wie Ein Maschine

I can't contain my excitement over Tokio Hotel. Seriously, I feel like I've just discovered their awesomeness, even though I've known about said awesomeness for about a year and a half. I'm going so crazy.... Also, the site I was talking about where you can download music for free? Yeah, I now have TH's next two singles that are going to be released next month. No big. *rolls on floor giggling* Nope. Not that exciting. It's sad really, how many times I've listened to the singles.... I even have the German lyrics memorized even though it hasn't been 24 hours yet. Have to say: love the songs. Love the band. Love the singer. Yep, I'm in love. Pathetic, isn't it?

In other news, I made muffins for the first time in two months. I usually make them every weekend, but haven't had time of late.

God, I am in such a weird mood. I feel so weird. Like the feeling you get when you have a crush on someone. You feel slightly sick, but in a good way (haha Brenda). No idea why I feel this way (It's not because of TH. I think.) My dreams probably made me feel this way. In my dream, there was this totally awesome guy who was my boyfriend. And then it changed so this other guy that I actually know (not saying who - both for my sake and his) was my boyfriend. But in my dream it made perfect sense that we were together...then I woke up. And I was like: "what?" But that feeling is still there and it's freaking me out. Because I don't know any cool guys (hm, except Ryan (hehe)) and I do not have a crush on the other guy. It's even weirder because he's one of my friends. And for the record, it is not Kris.

Ugh, I did something to my thumb on my left hand so it makes texting extremely hard. I also can't touch it which is rather annoyng so I have to change my typing slightly. Ow, just clicked the space bar with my left thumb! *falls off bed* Now the CTRL button. *eye twitch*

My life is absolutely tragic.

Anyways, my dream showed me - once I'd woken up - how much I do not want a boyfriend. The thought has actually begun to scare me, therefore forcing me to regard myself as a third-grader. When "cooties" were a real thing. Yep, I think Ive returned to that mentality.

Today is looking to be an emotionally-sapping day, so I'll post later. I think. Maybe. Alright, I'm going to get back to writing now.



X-GoneBeyondRepair-X said...

I won't ask who your dream was about (but you can tell me if you want xD) but I've had the same kind of dream, where someone you know but don't actually have a crush on was your boyfriend or in love with you and in the dream you like them too, but when you wake up you're like "Um...".

Alanna said...
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