Saturday, August 29, 2009

I'm The Shattered Youth, And No One Could Believe It

Wow, my parents have finally come to the conclusion that I have insomnia. Can we have a round of applause for the parental units!? Like I haven't known that all summer. Really, I've been mentioning that I don't sleep until the early morning hours, or sometimes not at all. I don't text, and I don't read. Just lie there all night, tired as hell but unable to sleep. And only now do they decide to become concerned? Nice. That's parental compassion at its finest, folks! So my parents think that it's because I don't get enough exercise (pacing all day isn't exercise, apparently), so they said that I should start running a couple miles every day. Which is totally within my capabilities. But just to be me, I proposed a trade-off. I'll start running two or three miles every day if they get rid of Diet Coke in the house. I'm sure I've mentioned how my family is addicted (I'm honestly not kidding about this) to the drink. They get headaches and stuff when they don't drink it. But you know what? They'll have to deal if they want me to run. My mom looked surprised when I told her my proposition, but said that she'd consider it.

In other news, I've decided to enter that poem I wrote a while back into a contest. Mostly because I have nothing to do. But the problem is that it needs a title. It's required, actually. But I can't think of one. Damn it, I don't even know what the poem's about! Sad considering the fact that I wrote it. Anyways, I'm going to re-post the poem at the end of this post; please give me any ideas you have as to a title. I'd prefer it was one word, and "Untitled" does not appeal to me. I already asked my parents about it (neither could even figure out what it was about; not even my dad who's a journalist and author) and they were without an answer. So if you could just comment and give me ideas, that would be great. Thanks so much, you guys.

New band I'm in love with: The Downtown Fiction. Thanks Dita for showing me them. They're actually from Fairfax, which is awesome. It makes me hopeful that perhaps northern Virginia is not slowly killing me. Kidding. Sort of.

And we conspire
That which love cannot permit
Burning deeper than hell's fire
Until the dying breath

I've already tried finding synonyms for words, but it seems impossible if I don't know what it's about. But I think that it means something different to each person, so I don't want to spoil that with a title. *sigh* This is so hard. I'm entering because I'm bored, but also because the first place prize is about $5,000. Yeah, I need a little extra cash.

The reason I need money (only about $120 in truth) is because I want to get a membership on this manuscript editing site. It's one of the best out there, and this could be the thing that helps me get an agent. I have no desire to spend my meager allowance, so I've turned to other methods. Perhaps I'll just ask my parents to get me a membership as a personal favor to me. *rolls eyes* That's so going to happen.

Alright, I think that's everything.


1 comment:

X-GoneBeyondRepair-X said...

Honestly when I write poems they don't specifically have one main meaning, but I think that's what makes a good poem- that it can be interpreted differently by different people.