Saturday, August 8, 2009

Put Your Drink Up In The Air/ Like No One Can Do It, Baby

August 7:

God, I am in such a bad mood. If driving three hundred miles yesterday wasn’t enough, I was also stuck with my five year old brother the entire time. You honestly have no idea how pissed off I am. I’ve totally decided that I hate children, and have more then once contemplated shoving him in a well. Anyways, we’re in CANADA today…just crossed the border actually. My parents are hounding me to read the signs because they’re all in French. It’s like Germany all over again (parents forcing me to translate). Of course Sam is screaming his head off because he doesn’t know how to spell any of the French words, only drawing me closer to murder. Seriously, if I never blog again, it’s because I’m in jail for first-degree murder. Gah MAKE HIM SHIUT THE HELL UP. I AM SO FUCKING ANNOYED WITH HIM I ACTUALLY MIGHT CRY. And not to mention that he woke me up at six fucking thirty this morning. Every word out of his mouth is…GAH! “Did you hear me hiccup? I want to get bubblegum. I want to go to Canadian. Mommy I want to get some bubble gum. You’re stuuupid. I love chiens. I love chiens. I love chiens. Mommy I love chiens! MOMMY I LOVE CHIENS. I’m hungry. NO I DROPPED BLANKIE MOMMY GET HIM DADDY DADDY DADDY I NEED MY BLANKIE! Whoopsies, I accidentally broke the DVD player. I didn’t try but it just broked. MOMMY I WANT SOME BUBBLEGUM. *hiccup* THEY WON’T GO AWAY! LANNA ARE YOU TIRED. ARE YOU TIRED, LANNA? I wish we would’ve brought the Wii. Aw, man, I can't watch a movie. *starts whimpering loudly* MOMMY I’M BORED. Helicopter! HELICOPTER! Only Canadians live here and that’s why there’s a Canadian helicopter and houses. You know what? We should go camping and no one could wake us up. Hey, mom. Hey, mom. I want some bubblegum if it’s in there.” And that’s taken word-for-word from what he’s said over the past minute. He also has this fucking annoying idea that rapid, rabid, and rabbit are the same fucking word. And it’s not even cute. Because whenever my mom says: “oh, look, rapids.” Sam screams at the top of his lungs: “THERE ARE NO STUPID BUNNIES THERE!” And he thinks he’s sooo funny.

Oh my God, hahaha! There’s a town here called Emo…. My mom gave me an odd look when I burst out laughing after seeing the sign.

Alright, I finally got a pair of earphones and am now blasting Cinema Bizarre as loud as the fucking computer can. It still cannot drown out the sounds of my brother, if that says anything. Granted, my sound is all screwed up on the computer and these headphones are not the greatest.

Also, for whatever reason, my mom is totally stuck on Cinema Bizarre. My background is a collage of pictures of Yu, Kiro, and Strify, and she saw it and just stared at it for a while before asking who the people were. And she’s always asking about them…. It’s a little creepy, to tell the truth. She doesn’t do that with Tokio Hotel (I think they scare her a little, actually), My Chem, or any of the other bands I like. Just Cinema Bizarre. And you would think that they would scare her even more because the entire band is pretty androgynous. I suppose they just confuse her.

Another thing: I’ve gotten I Came 2 Party stuck in my head so badly that it’s driving me absolutely insane. Definitely not good for me.

Alright, I’m going to have to shut my computer off soon because using iTunes has nearly killed the battery, and the stupid cigarette lighters in the car don’t work…we’ve bought two energy inverters and neither of them will work in the car. So I’m going have to deal without music for the rest of the day *cry* because I left my iPod at the hotel.

TO SARAH: I’ve changed the phrase “easy as pie” to “easy as the little mermaid,” although I suppose you could put Helen Keller in there as well XD

Peace Out


August 8:

This is the most fucked up vacation ever. So recap of today: woke up by insolent little child at seven; have to paddle pontoon boat across part of one of the great lakes; have iPod taken away for yelling at insolent little child because he kept kicking me impetuously; drive for six hours back to Wisconsin; tornado warning issued; tornado touches down in neighboring county. This is like a cliché “worst day ever.” It’s rained six inches over the past hour, and there’s baseball-sized hail. Not to mention the blinding rain and 30 mph winds. FUCK MY LIFE. Damn it, this is why I hate vacations.

I’m changing the reason you might never hear from me again from jail time to death-by-weather. Of course my mom finds this absolutely fascinating, being a weather major and all.

I HATE MY LIFE. Or what’s left of it.

Oh, and I just found out that I have another disease, this one called Dyshidrosis. It's a type of eczema that both my older brother and my dad have.... Oh, yes, fuck my life. I now have two diseases: a skin disease and tuberculosis. Hooray!

1 comment:

SBBan said...

ok, so about Helen Keller, this is marginally random and junk but we moved my bro into dorm today and he's in the building right next to you guessed it the Helen Keller building! I was so sad it wasn't his dorm building, but close enough... yes life is as easy as Helen Keller and the little Mermaid, at least according to Brant...