Saturday, August 15, 2009

Take A Picture, We Don't Care

Okay, so today I got to fly a plane. Technically, it was a glider, but that’s still an airplane, just without a motor. I have to say that it was perhaps one of the most amazing things I I’ve ever done in my life. It’s like a roller coaster, only the sensations last longer. Stalling was absolutely terrifying in an amazing way. You point the nose straight up until you’re about to flip end over end, and plummet backwards until you pull the plane back even. You can also turn sharply, angling the nose down then pull up at the last second before you get to much speed that you’re about to crash. God, it was so amazing.

I found out that I can get my glider permit this year, and my license next year. I can get my pilot’s permit next year, and my license the year after that. I’ve asked my parents if I can take lessons in Virginia, and they’re pretty okay with it since they’re both pilots themselves. It is a tad expensive, but my family is not in any immediate financial peril.

Anyways, I’ve written twenty-two pages in my story so far, so I’m making progress. Eight more pages and I’m home free. Another excerpt:

“Don’t mention it.” She tugged on the laces, and I swear I felt a rib snap. “Sorry if it hurts.” I winced in reply. Liza helped me until I was completely dressed, shoes and all. The low neckline of the dress fell below the diamond pendant, and I fingered it anxiously.
“I’m so nervous,” I admitted.
“Stop it, Mari. You look like a noblewoman if I ever saw one. You have nothing to be nervous about.”
“Besides the fact that I look like I belong in Court. Damn it, Liza, can I look?” She hadn’t allowed me to see myself in the mirror.
“Go ahead.” I turned around and gasped.
“Shit, Liza, I can't do this,” the girl in the mirror murmured. Curses didn’t seem to fit in her mouth. I turned away from her reflection. “I can't, I can't, and I won't.”
“Let’s go downstairs.” I reddened at the mere thought.
“No!” But she grabbed my hand and towed me into the hallway, then down the stairs; I only made it halfway down before I heard the whooping.
“Mari!” Someone catcalled. I hid my face in my hands as everyone stared. Then there was a crash from the kitchen, and someone swearing.
“Damn it, Kristian! That shit was boiling, you are aware?” Fres’s booming voice filled the room. I lowered my hands and saw Kristian staring at me. A kettle lay on the ground, the hot water that had once occupied it now all over the floor.
He stared at me the way that the men had done to Lady Amanda of Port Judah last winter. That woman was the most beautiful human in the world, they would say. Every man wanted to dance with her. Even the lower citymen had fallen hard for the noblewoman. It made me uncomfortable that Kristian now looked at me that way.
“Say something,” I demanded softly. The man put his elbows on the counter, facing away from me, and put his head in his hands.
“Go…. Leave!” He shouted. I stumbled back, hurt. The bells began to ring their seven chimes.
“Please,” he looked at me. “Just leave. Gods, I can't do this, Mari. Just go.”

Hope everyone’s having a great summer/start of school.



SBBan said...

I can't help think about wonderful dear mummy and her use of thousand of dollars to randomly learn to fly... sorry...

Alanna said...

Yeah, I was definitely thinking that as well.... But I least I have no control over whether or not I do learn to's all my parents' descision and they're total money freaks.

SBBan said...

yeah, my dad is well, I dunno, he's a cheap skate but then again, he's a push over, and he kind of likes to make my mom happy cause if not, she would probably leave him, but whatever...

Alanna said...

...Or eat him. Whichever XD

SBBan said...

but you know my mom doesn't eat! especially nothing of that quantity, not that my dad is large given that he's not, and I weigh about as much as him... wow that's scary...

Alanna said...

Ah, yes. I forgot.