Thursday, August 20, 2009

Why Do I Keep Loving You?

I'm so close to crying that it's ridiculous. I'm so fucking fed up with Safe Eyes, and I can't do shit about it. I'm at the point where I'm considering wiping the hard drive and reinstalling all the programs...except Safe Eyes. It's just the most fucked-up program out there. What really drives me crazy is that it's the #2 internet filter program out there, and parents are giving it all sorts of wonderful reviews. So I got onto one of those big software review sites and wrote a reiew that was more of a rant about it. The realization just dawned on me that I'm probably one of the only people my age who has to search half an hour for something that I could've found on the first page that Google directed me to...and most of the time never end up being able to find it. I'm so close to tears I'm so frustrated. It's taking all my self-control not to start cursing at the top of my lungs and hurl my computer at the wall.

Actually just started crying for a minute.... There are no words to describe how much I hate that program. But GODDMAN MOTHERFUCKIN' BITCH OF A PROGRAM describes a tiny part of it.

Excerpt because I have to distract myself (from my sequel):

___“She is an eagle. Cunning and deceptively fast, but the communist species has dwindling numbers for a reason.” Mr. Fredericks’ words echoed in my head. A fire pulsed through my veins, and I stood.
___“Down with communism!” I shouted. All heads in the auditorium turned to me. Marissa’s eyes narrowed. “Down with communism!” I yelled again. Beside me, Cody rose and began to chant with me. Tom and indigo joined next, followed by Luke and Caylee. Like a wildfire spreading, students began to stand up and chant. Soon, everyone was up, pumping their fists and standing on their seats.
Down with communism! Down with Mayer! Down with communism! Down with Mayer!” Teachers rushed about, trying uselessly to settle everyone. A man standing beside Marissa raised a gun and fired shots through the ceiling. Still pandemonium raged.
___“Be quiet!” The woman screamed into the microphone. No one listened. No one heard over the din.
___Without a second thought, I began to sprint down the open isle, straight towards the stage.
___“Maxwell!” Marissa shrieked at the man beside her. The man caught my eyes and raised his gun. A single shot was fired, and the wood paneling behind his head exploded. I dropped to the ground, then glanced back. A grinning Trevor stood beside William, who was holding a handgun in one hand, and a knife in the other. Trevor let the M16 slide onto his back. I smiled, getting to my feet swiftly and continuing my run to the podium. With the man, Maxwell, preoccupied with other students trying to reach the stage, I was able to jump onto the edge of the stage.
___Marissa had taken her eyes off me for a moment, looking at the furious crowd. A moment was all I needed.
___I lashed out at her, extending one foot. My kick hit her square in the back, causing her to crumple. Her head hit the podium, and she was knocked unconscious. There was a shout to my right; my head snapped in that direction. Maxwell was barreling towards me, gun raised. I had no where to go.
___But at the last second, a black figure, whirling with the ease of a practiced martial artist, dropped the man with a single blow. In the pandemonium, I saw William making his way to the stage, the crowd parting like the Red Sea. Trevor was one step behind him, shouldering his lethal rifle.

Okay, I'll talk tomorrow when I'm not so angry.


Julián said...

You're the first 14 years old I've met who likes Nirvana. Cool.
It's a shame we live so far, maybe I'd liked to get to know you, or maybe it's just me who can't find anyone in my country who likes the music I listen, but anyways.
Oh, and, why don't you talk with your parents about the program? I mean, they SHOULD trust you, right?

Well I don't have too much more to say, I didn't ment to be rude or something if you see it like that, it's just my english :P


Alanna said...

I didn't realize your first language wasn't English until that last paragraph.... Your English is very good, by the way.