Friday, June 26, 2009


Yes, I have erred. Foolishly, I gave my brother's friend my cell number (Griffin's actually not that bad of a kid, and he does not have a crush on me for those who might take the "cell number" statement in a different way) on the same day that Jack and Griffin went to West Virginia; a common activity for them. Now, I am being inundated with texts from my brother and his best friend (who, I swear, is Jack's twin, only slightly more pleasant). Greeeaaat. Like my summer could get any worse *knock on wood*. I swear, this summer's going to be epically suckish. I've already bruised my knees to the point where it's hard to bend then or sleep in certain positions. I'm getting an average of about two hours of sleep every night, I'm bored, I'm lonely, and I cannot find my yearbook which has my friend's new email in it.

You know, I bet you all are getting annoyed by my self-oriented blathering. Yeesh, I've been complaining on Blogger for about a week! Starting tomorrow, no selfish whining. Also, no lazing around.

Picture time! This is a drawing of mine from exactly a week ago, if I'm not mistaken.

I also wanted to post something that Brenda sent me earlier from some site and I thought it was really pretty. I rearranged the formatting on it, though.

Three cheers:
To all the fucked up fuck-ups, to all the damned, to those lost, alone and left behind.
To our greatest joys and deepest sorrows.
To our demons.
To death in brutal perfection.
I am what lies on the other end of your last breath.
I am just another skeleton in the closet, just another ghost in the dark.
Let us never, to lost minds, admit insanity.
Let us never, to revenge, admit defeat.
For life has turned to madness and nothing is sane but dying.


X-GoneBeyondRepair-X said...

I seriously love that.
Give Griffin Amber's number >:)

Alanna said...

>:)OMG that's a perfect idea!