Saturday, June 6, 2009

Some Bridges Burned, Some Pages Turned

Please take into account that I'm not being very pleasant this morning while you're reading my post. If I sound bitter, I'm probably just grumpy (but, mind you, these things are totally bothering me).

I've had a pretty miserable past few days, with the exception of last night (school dance). For starters, my parents decided that I can not go to Warped Tour. Now I get to listen to all my friends talk about the bands that are going to be there and after summer's over, I get to hear about how absolutely amazing it was. Yeah, that pissed me off just a little.

Second, I'm feeling even more detached from my friends than usual. I mean, I've always been the one that people like to make fun of, but it's been getting to me a lot more lately. Even little things they do really bother me.

Third, my parents are being way more clingy (for lack of a better word) for the past a week or so. They come into my room every five minutes and nag me about something-or-other. Then when I take the dog out or something they'll start yelling: "Why are you taking her out? It's raining, for God's sake! Go and do something useful!" Ugh.

Fourth, I'm pretty sure that I have a crush on someone, so I kinda want to shoot myself in the head. And hell no, I am not telling anyone who it is.

Well, enough of me being all bitter. On a happier note: I get an automatic 100 percent on my science final because we did this class competition thing. Also, I'm getting an award at the ceremony-thing on Wednesday. And then the dance last night was nice. Plus, I can use all this pissed-off-ness to go torment a character in my sequel now.

I am in such a mood; I don't know why. It's making quite addicted to MCR (I usually like them, but something's wrong when I can't stop listening to them) and Carrie Underwood. Weird combination.

EDIT: The picture is a doodle I did yesterday


SBBan said...

but on a happy go lucky note, you get to come to alerbama! and yes thats spelled how ppl pronounce it... so yeah...

X-GoneBeyondRepair-X said...

I'm really sorry bout the warped tour thing, I'm brainstorming ways to convince your rents to let you go, but were still gonna see TH and MCR wen they go on tour...
I know what you mean about people getting annoying, I'm horribly sorry if I've done anything to make it worse :(