Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Just For the Record, the Weather Today, Is Slightly Sarcastic With A Good Chance of SNOW.

Hey everyone. I just got home from my chorus concert. And really, it wasn't that bad. However, on the way back, my mom was being a total hypocrite. I'll explain later 'cause she sitting right behind me.


I'm totally stressing out over school and actually started crying earlier because I'm going to fail and I'm not kidding. Urgh. I'll give more depth tomorrow, when my mom isn't right behind me.

( .)_(* )

And it's supposed to snow tomorrow. I hate cold.


Saturday, October 25, 2008

Oh, No, I Just Keep On Falling

I'm still in a bittersweet mood about Bill after all the teeth-straightening and the attitude he's been having lately. So I'm not really happy. But anyways, Brenda, Sarah (not Banning, sadly), and I went to the mall. We were called losers by a five year old boy. And also, these really cool teenage guys (probably at LEAST three years older than us) ask us if we wanted to buy tickets to their band's concert. Sadly, we had just spend all our money on candy (yes, even the change) so we couldn't. And then we kept like running into them! But they were really cool and it made us happy that these really cool guys thought we were actually old enough to go to a concert that was like, tomorrow. :) I was really happy. So I guess that's it. I'm not in a really happy mood because of Bill right now, so I'll publish the post before it becomes a tearful rant. So bye.

( .)_(* )


Friday, October 24, 2008

Meine 1000 Jahre

Mm, Friday at last. And it was with a proper send-off this week, might I add. In my last class, Civics, we had a sub today and there was a schedualed (I know I didn't spell that right) fire drill during that class period too. So Ben goes "OK, everyone, look at the 'In Case Of Emergency' paper". It's hanging on he wall. So he's looking at it and someone else and I started joking baout how Ben would be the one person to not go with the rest of the class and go to the wrong place. And, lo and behold, when the fire drill shounded and we all rushed out behind the school, Ben was no where to be found. Alas, when we got back upstairs, he was sitting in his desk. Turns out, he was the only one who went the right way; out the front of the school. It so figures. Anyways, apparently Millie's mom thinks I'm depressed. Now, I love her parents; they're awesome. But really, her mom ran the school store during lunch this week or last week and watched my friends and I fall off our chairs laughing the entire lunch period. What?! Me just no gets that. Sorry, I'm like really riled up today so I feel like doing something to Millie just to do something. ( .)_(*) Looopy. Hehe, that's really fun to do. And *I* just made it up. ( .)_(*) Ahaha!

( .)_(*)



( .)_(*)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

What's Your Favorite Color, Punk?!

Haha, I've had that song stuck in my head all day since Kira played it for me. OK, so today in civics, this guy who sits a little behind me starts going "Alanna, come here!" like five times. And I was really confused, but I went back anyways. Maybe I should backtrack to last week. Mr. Fones told me and another girl that we should put a tampon in Ben's murse (man-purse). And this guy had been listening. So anyways, today he goes "I have a tampon." Needless to say, I looked at him with a blank stare, not really getting what he was saying. "It's in my pocket." I'm thinking, what the heck?! Not going to elaborate, but we decided to do it tomorrow when the other girl is back. And he got it from his friend apparently. No questions asked. But yeah, that got me reeaal confused for about thirty seconds before I could actually open my mouth. Speaking of Ben, he got those cheesey vampire fangs from our school store today. We were like the first on the bus because we race, so we decided to freak people out as they got on the bus. Ben hid behind the first row of bus seats and when someone gets on, he pops up and hisses in their face. Brenda actually screamed. Aand...Millie wasn't here today! Yes! Yes! Yes! That made me really happy. AND TOMORROW IS FRIDAY!!!! Yessss!!!! Peace....



Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Homecoming, I'm Coming Home

Hola yola my people. I'm so bored. And my printer crashed so I can't print out my part of my civics project and I don't feel like doing anything else, so I'll say hello to all the wonderful people on the interent. Randomly, I realized that if my parents knew I had a blog, they would spaz out and ground forever. "Internet safety' and all that. Seriously, a bunch of teen girls obsessing over Gerard Way is so not going to kill me. Unless I bash Gerard (WHICH I WOULD NEVER DO), then all of you would come and hurt me. :) My arm is very skinny....no idea, I just randomly looked at my arm and thought it looked skinny. Blableebloo, we're doign this project for English where you have to write a letter pretending to be a character in your book to someone else in the book. It's really stupid and it wastes time, but of course Brenda, Kira, and I figured out how to make it more fun. For the address, we put either Gerard WAY or Mikey WAY. Get it??? And for the date I put Bill's birthday, along with the house number (it's 9189 Mikey Way). Isn't that cool?! Actually, it was all Brenda's idea. And the zip code, I decided, will be William Beckett's birthday. :) I (We (Brenda)) figured out how to make this project fun. Aand....iTunes has been updating for about half an hour now. Aand...I'm still sad about Bill. Sweet, sweet Bill. Ah-hem, moving on. I have nothing to do.


Bill Kaulitz

Ain't that cool?!?!?!?!! OK, bye now.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I Don't Love You Like I Loved You Yesterday

Heys people. OK, so I'm kinda sad right now because Bill looks like he got his teeth straightened. I mean, now they're really straight. That's one of the things I always loved so much about him was that he wasn't perfect and he didn't care. Guess he does. I hate that now he's looking more Hollywood; that now he isn't looking like how he really is. What's next, plastic surgery? Cutting his hair? I guess I'm kinda pissed actually. I love Bill, I think more than I love my family most of the time, but I'm sad and mad now. I wish he wouldn't. I don't want him to be like all the other stars: obsessed with their looks and looking what society deems "perfect" or "beautiful". He's perfect when he is himself. I'm gonna start rambling about society and pressures and how annoyed and sad I am with Bill and just whatever. :'( I can't even say that I hope it isn't true because the picture is definetly not photoshopped. So goodbye, I think I'll go mourn over pictures of Bill where he has beautiful, un-straightened teeth. And try not to get too depressed about this. I guess I'll talk tomorrow if I'm not sad. I'm now dedicating my computer wallpaper to Bill with not-straight teeth.

Yes, I realize that this is a weird thing to get depressed over, but since basically everyone who's reading this is a Gerard-fanatic, imagine if Gerard...got plastic surgery (I couldn't think of anything else). People say he looks different, like his face isn't what people normally think of as "beautiful". Although that's a little more extreme, it's still equally depressing.

Bill, I shall miss who you used to be. You were why I didn't care what people thouoght. And that I didn't care about being "perfect". Thank you anyways.

The End.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Ich Muss Durch Den Monsun - Oh, I Wish. Rain, Please Come.

Hallo, Salut, Hola, Hi, whatever.... I'm writing this post as Brenda and a bunch of my other unfortunate friends are just finishing their National Junior Honors Society thingamajig. I'm so glad about the fact that I hid my letter from my parents; fearing I would be forced into it. I'm slightly worried about Brenda's mentl state as well as her mother's physical state because of what Brenda last said to me: "I hate this f***ing a*s b***h." Oh, no! Hope there's nothing pink and frilly invloved in this incident. Anywho, how is everyone going? I'm like totally stressing out over what I want to do in the next few months. Start German, start Spanish, start guitar, start volunteering at the animal shelter, dye my hair, get warm clothes, finish my story, find a Halloween costume, start drawing regularly, finish a book my dad lent me, redo my room, try to pass English, get another book I need, read Breaking Dawn again, get two other Tokio Hotel CD's, get German movies, get my ears pierced again, try to convince my parents I'm normal, run a seven minute mile, finish the stupid f***ing book (Tangerine), try not to burn said book, try not to toss said book out window, try not to rip said book, and my list goes on. My brain is going to explode, I swear. OK, I'm going to go back to CNN now. I'll post tomorrow. :)

Sunday, October 19, 2008


OK, so because I seriously did nothing today except watch Pirates of the Craibbean 3 all day, daydream about bill, and have three donuts (I know, I'm so unhealthy), I decided to write about the one thing that made my day amaing: COTTONBALLS. I bet you're thinking "WTF is she talking about she's crazy". No, I found the ONE THING KNOWN TO MANKIND that can get sparkles/glitter off your skin. NO JOKE. The one substance that can remove glitter!!! So I made my mom get me a huge bag of cottonballs because I had a thing of glitter that exploded in my dresser (which is where iI keep my makeup and such) so every day i have glitter-gloves on that will not come off no matter how much time i spend trying to wash it off. I AM SO F-ING PROUD OF MYSELF! ^_^

OK, talk to y'all tomorrow. (And yes, I lived in Alabama. "Y'all" is fun to say even though I sound like a hick when I do it rather than people who actually live there who sound sweet)

Friday, October 17, 2008

Scream 'Till You Believe It

Hey everyone! Today is Friiiidayyyy today is friiiidayyyyy! (does a happy dance). I'm so glad this week's over and now it's the weekend. Today nothing quite interesting happened except Amber gave Kira, Brenda, and I a pack of icing at lunch so we were hysterical for a while because of the sugar rush. Especially Kira. Anyways, I have absolutely no plans for the weekend. All I get to go is spaz out over my story because **teartear** I fear that it is coming to an end. Not that it's going to end right now or overr the weekend, but the ending conflict is coming. I shall resolve the conflict! Also, I tried putting the pages into format for a novel which is like 3 or 4 by 5 inches and it turned out to be over 260 pages! I think I might actually try to get this published...maybe. But that was quite shocking to me. But I need to weave government corruption in a little bit more before the ending conflict. And resolve the problem with Bill and Trevor (the new character I introduced who is kind of fighting against Bill for Kia; he just doesnt know it yet >:) I'm evil) because I don't know what's going to happen. According to Brenda and my iPods, everyone's going to drown at the end. >:( They're NOT GOING TO DROWN. Despite what Jumbie (My iPod; it's a Tokio Hotel thing) and Bobby Jr. (Brenda's iPod) say. I've got to go; I have ten minutes of internet left and haven't gotten enough CNN for today. See ya!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Hate Momemt

Morgan is a witch with a capital B. Or a BITCH. I felt like saying that. :) I could say that all day. OK, now I'm leaving.

I Can't Live Without You By My Side

Have you ever felt like you're completely alone and maybe things would be better off without you around? I wish that I didn't feel like that sometimes. I'm going to repeat something Sarah said on her blog a while ago. I'm not afraid of death, but I'm afraid of dying before I get to live. I could die tomorrow and I don't want to be too afraid to dot something or question someone. We never know how much time we'll have, and sometimes that makes me feel like it would be better if I wasn't here. We all die anyways, right? And I know that some people who hate me would be happy. And my friends would get over it, right? It's been a while since I thought about this; I've been trying not to go back to this way of thinking. But I guess the only way to reverse that IS to live. To take every chance. I know I regret so many years of my life because I wasted them being afraid of standing out. And I don't want to be 100 years old and regret half of my life. And I also wanted to say that to my friends, my real friends who are always there and haven't abandoned me, if you were gone, I don't know what I would do. I wouldn't get over it. I need everyone to feel whole. Please, don't ever even think that everyone would be better off, because if any one of you were gone, I might as well go too. That post probably jumped around a lot, and I'm sorry; my internet's about to die.

Why Can't You Stay Just Long Enough To Explain

OK,so I'm gonna go back to my normal updates. As you can probably tell from the updates from the past two days, I'm having a bit of a personal crisis that I'm hoping will end soon. And thanks to everyone who commented (or texted) on my Oprah-moment yesterday. I felt like a needed to rant, and that's something I think is a real problem. My English teacher wasn't here today so i was sooo happy about that even though Brenda, Kira, and I are going to get busted for talking tomorrow. And my mom even wrote the teacher a letter about my grade! Seriously! Like, I'm worried about my grade and all, but I know what I did. Well, I decided not to REDO the WebQuest that I slaved over for an hour because she LOST it and told me to redo it. I did not want to redo it. So I didn't. Plus, if I already did it, why should I have to redo it because of my teacher's incompetence? And then there was essay that I almost failed. Seriously, I thought I would have a few points off for grammer and stuff, but I got a C on it. IT WAS ELEVEN PAGES LONG! She wrote "That was really well written - good job!" on the essay, then gave ma a C because it was too long. SHE NEVER GAVE A MAXIMUM LENGTH REQUIREMENT. Brenda's was like 8 or more pages long and she got one point taken off. I smell discrimination. So yeah, my English teacher is not my favorite person in the world. And, um, in civics, Mr. Fones gave me and someone else an idea to put a tampon in Ben's murse (man purse-technically it's a pencil case, but that's what we call it). So then we thought of all sorts of other things to put in there. So, on Monday, we're going to ask Mr. Fones to make Ben leave to do something and then we will put our plan into action. The wildest part? BEN WAS SITTING RIGHT NEXT TO ME WHEN WE WERE TALKING ABOUT THIS. He's so clueless. Oh, and this morning I accidentally pushed Brenda down the steps in the lecture hall (The strings room). Sorry. And Amber is so pissed off at me; she won't even hurt me like normal. All because I put a note in the Lecture Hall that said "Amber, I have kidnapped Mr. Violin." The violin was in her strings locker! Right where it has always been! Anyways....I seriously have to go; I haven't done any of my homework yet. I'll post tomorrow! Bye! <333

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Run, Don't Walk, The Sky Is Falling Through

Hey, sorry I had to post a little message. Now to the update on my wonderful life. I'm so tired right now since I woke up at 3:30am randomly. You know, I think it would be amazing if the world was different. If no one fought, and instead we sent North Korea cupcakes! They would love them so much that they wouldn't be angry! Anyways, it would be nice if no one had to hide behind a smile when they're dying inside. If we didn't have to pretend to be something. To lie every day to impress someone. I don't care anymore. Who cares what people think? All caring about their opinions means is that you fit what society wants you to be. Before I realized this, I would look at some people and wonder why they wore this-or-that and OMG they are soooo weird! No. This year, I've really realized that it's so much MORE FUN to be who you are. It's so much better to know that people love you for who you are and not what you try to be. Go crazy; who cares? Dye your hair bright pink, wear something weird to school. Yeah, you'll get weird looks in the halls, but there's nothing cooler than standing out for being individualistic. Run, scream, let go. Nothing matters anymore. Teenagers are so caught up trying to look perfect, they lose the joy of being immature. I don't try to be mature; quite the opposite. My goal is to love every day because I know that I took every crazy opportunity and made new ones for tomorrow. Somehow, I think that if everyone wasn't afraid, there would be so many less teen suicides and people cutting themselves. Violence, drugs, alcohol, and sex. Try to be cool? You'll end up dead, pregnant, or many other things. I wish I could tell more people this, because it's true. The sad thing is, even if some people read this, they'd think I was delusional. Which I probably am but that's OK. Get where you want to be and who you want be. Now that I'm done with my Oprah-moment, I'll post an excerpt.

“Kia,” a voice panted from a few feet away. The last voice I wanted to hear.

“What do you want, bitch? An apology? Too bad!” I flipped Bill off.

“No, not an apology. I wanted to explain.” His voice was calm, collected.

“I don’t effing care! Leave alone because I'm done, finished! You can go on your special god-chosen path, but leave me out of it!” I stood up.

“I'm not leaving without you.” He whispered, stepping closer.

“Damn you, just leave! I gave you everything I had left of myself, and you took it and destroyed it. I’m done.” I turned and walked down the road. When I felt a hand grab my arm, I whirled and slapped him across the face.

“I'm done, Bill. Let me go.” Again, I turned and began walking. But not before I saw the tortured look in his eyes. Now he knows how much it hurts. He didn’t stop me.

Nothing stays beautiful. Everything must end.

Isn't it beautiful? :'( I'm so mean to my characters! Anyways, I'll talk to you all tomorrow. Or post comments on your blog if I don't see you on a day-to-day basis. Such as Sarah and Alise. That's a cool name by the way, even though I probably just spelled it wrong. :) So that's all for now!

Instant Karma

Allie, I know you're reading this. OK, I know what you say about me and how I'm so scary and weird. Thanks for being my friend. And stop yelling at Amanda; she actually stuck up for me. Something only a few people would do. You have no right to talk that way to people because they think a certain way. You're calling her mean, but just look at what you're saying. I'm not trying to be mean by saying this; I want to set the record straight. Please stop saying things about me. I don't think you know how much it really hurts me when people I used to call my friends tell me I'm so weird and all. The truth is, I have like four or five people I talk to a lot this year. I don't need anyone lying to me and slamming me behind my back. And please, stop yelling at Amanda. If you're pissed off, yell at me. The way it's always been. People take their anger out on me, and believe me, I can yell right back. I don't want to be mean to you, but please think about what you're saying to other people. I'm giving you several choices. Now it's up to you to decide what to do with them. Tell me when you've made your decision. You say that you start crying because of what people say to you, but so do Amanda and I. Please, think about it. I'll see you at school.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

If You Jump, I Will Jump Too

Hey everyone! I dont have much time, so let me do this quick. Today was boring as usual and I'm freaking out over my PALS for French tomorrow. O_O. I wanted to thank Amanda really quick for standing up for me against Allie. Allie, if you're reading this, you were out of line. And it's so nice to read what you really think of me. HAVE A NICE EFFING LIFE. Also, if MORGAN MILLER happens to be reading this (I hope not): LEAVE ME ALONE. I HATE YOU. STOP TEXTING ME AND WAHTEVER ELSE I HATE YOU. LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE. Fuck You!

OK, moving on. I got a tom of songs that are totally awesome, which I'll elaborate on tomorrow. I love all of you so much (except Morgan and Allie-who needs to get in line)

Monday, October 13, 2008

Run Baby, Run, Don't Ever Look Back

So today I went to the mall with Brenda. I got two cool hats, a tie, nail polish, and eyeliner. And German Kinder chocolate. Anyways, we went into f.y.e and we were looking at CDs and stuff. THEY HAD TOKIO HOTEL CDS OMGOMGOMG!!!!!! Sorry, I was real happy about that. Anyways, Brenda was like freaking out because she couldn't find MCR. when she found it, she screamed and the guy next to us moved a little away. Then, she found Life On The Murder Scene and screamed. The guy next to us scooted to the other side of the isle. Then she found exclusive DVD and screamed again. This time he left the isle completely. Brenda, being smart, didn't have enough money for them. So what does she do? She sits down and hugs the disks. Brenda looked like she was about to cry, and she was rocking back and forth, giggling/crying and muttering in gibberish. Seriously, people kept walking past and thought she was insane. Then she picks up a random poster and it HAS TO BE MCR. So then she was like crying and it took me like 20min to get her out of the store. Anyways, I need to stop writing. I need to pick out an outfit for school tomorrow 'cause its picture day. And I need to buy a few more songs. 

Your Voice Was the Soundtrack of My Summer

OK, so I'm getting very depressed because my chances of going to the Tokio Hotel concert are almost nothing my now. I swear, I am going to shoot something. Ahaaaaahhhhh I want Bill! :'( I don't wanna be stuck here while Bill is so close! I WILL WALK WALK THERE IF I MUST! How will I ever meet Bill if I can't go to the concert?! The title of my post says it all. Tokio Hotel was ALL I listened to unless I was forced to listen to something else.

Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer
Do you know youre unlike any other?
Youll always be my thunder, and I said
Your eyes are the brightest of all the colors
I dont wanna ever love another
You'll always be my thunder
So bring on the rain
And bring on the thunder

Nau I'm getting sad. :( That is the song that describes kind of how I feel about Bill/Tokio Hotel and life in general I guess. It's such a beautiful song and really has meaning. I guess this post is taking a music-rant direction. Music is really what got me through a lot, before I came closer to two or three of my friends. I was really depressed early on in the year, probably starting in January. I hated myself, and everyone around me. Before, ya I would listen to music sometimes and I would say that I liked music, but that's when I really turned to music. Towards the end of the school year, I was so close to killing myself or cutting myself. Thank God for Tokio Hotel. Other people are like "Oh, why do you listen to them? They're so weird!". Tokio Hotel really saved my life. I cry whenever I listen to "Don't Jump/Spring Nicht" or the music video for those. And I found other music too that saved me. And after that, everything just fell into place. Two other people I was friends with realized what we were a part of. Then, over the summer, at camp I really had a moment of supreme realization. Even now, I have so many problems, especially with my family and people at school, I still have music. And the three people who really helped me. That's why my dream is to make it in the music industry. Not because I want to be famous, but because I want to be able to affect someone's life like other people have mine. I don't want to be really popular 9or at least that's not my goal) but I want to know that I helped one person. Even if it's just one. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to have a perfect life, with everything absolutely right; nothing wrong. What would I be like now if I hadn't had to leave everything behind every few years, if my life wasn't taken away so many times. If I hadn't decided to break away from society and basically all the people I at one point considered my friends. But if none of that had happened, I wouldn't have the dreams I do now, not the goals, the memories that play constantly every day. What had happened to me my entire life, and especially recently have brought me more happiness than a perfect life could. Yeah, I still get really depressed and other people would think that I'm really morbid, but nothing has felt so right in such a long time. Finally, I think I am where I belong. This is my place, right here with the people I have. They're not many in number, but they're more than what the most popular person has. And I wish that everyone could have what I have: something to live for. Something real. I live to prove I can; to show that nothing is too much. God gives us trials to prove ourselves, to prove that we deserve what he has in store for us. Never tell me that You gave up Nothing can change What you've been given Live until your last breath Love until your heart stops Make every moment worth it.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Today's A Winding Road Tell Me Where To Go

Hey everyone. How's life going? My life is crazy. My family is dysfunctional. My foot hurts like crao from when my brother hurt me in fifth grade. I need to go to the doctor. Today I'm horribly obsessed with Boys Like Girls' "Thunder". It's awfully mainstream, but it's really good. Listening to certain songs gets me into certain moods. Right now, I'm remembering Camp Chandler and being sad it's a while 'till I get to go back. Also, I'm just remembering everything. Alabama in general, Germany, people I've met. I'm probably going to start crying because whenever I think of my past, and how many things I've left behind, I start crying. I'm a depressed person. And knowing I'll never see some of my best friends again. Like Makayla, Michelle, Karen, and basically everyone I've ever known. Sadly, I'll probably see Jason and George again because life just likes to spite me. And next year at camp, I get to pick another stalker. God forbid a NORMAL guy should like me. Actually, I think it is forbidden.

I waited for Indigo to wash off and dry herself before we made our way back to the cave. When we ducked in, we saw Tom floating a few feet off the ground, struggling. It looked like invisible ropes had tied his hands and feet together, and a piece of tape had been put over his mouth. Bill was sitting on the other side of the room, arms crossed, glaring hatefully at his brother.
“Tom!” Indigo shrieked and ran over to him, tugging on his clothes. “Bill, put him down!” He scowled and his brother dropped.
“I'm going to freaking kill you!” Tom yelled and lunged for Bill. He hit an invisible wall. “I’ll kill you when you sleep! When…when…when I get you!” Bill looked bored. Tom was clawing at the invisible wall, trying to find a fault in it. Then he smiled smugly.
He sent Bill a telepathy message or whatever he wanted to call it. Bill yelled, “I do not! I don’t care what you heard, I don’t!” He was silent for a moment, and then spoke gain, in a quieter tone. “Really?” His eyes flickered over to me. Oh. Crap. I know what he told Bill: the subject of our conversation last night. I hate you, Tom! I screamed in my head.
“Shut up, you’re giving me a headache, Kia!” Tom replied. Bill stared at me. I looked away.

Sorry if a post an exerpt twice; I click to a random part and guess weather or not I've posted it. Just tell me and I'll repost a new exerpt.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Don't Come Any Closer, Don't Tell Me It's Over

Sorry I didn't update yesterday, I was in my room for about five minutes. I went over to Brenda's house yesterday afternoon, and was there until about seven. WE were on her computer for a while, on PhotoBucket and this cool site called EmoBucket i think thats what it's called. Brenda, correct me if I'm wrong. And she had a new blog follower, aliseway, and when we clicked on ger blog, BAM there was a huge pic of Gerard. We gasped and fell off the bed. She seems really cool. Anywho, I almost fainted earlier because the Tokio Hotel tickets for Philly looked like they were sold out because it didn't come up with any avalible tickets, but I tried it again and it worked! Aaand...Brenda was on drugs yesterday (She ran down the street twirling and skipping). TODAY IS A THREE-DAY WEEKEND!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy! That means I don't have to see Parkie, Millie and her cult, or Logie! I'm feeling random today and not in a writing-mood. But I'm forcing myseflt o do character-depvelopment stuff. Bla! Kitties are pretty. THE END. OF THE WORLD. And I accidentally wrote "F THE WORLD". Haha...yeah.... I'm posting two excerpts 'cause they're both short:

“I couldn’t find the button, so I used my own method,” Tom shouted as he ran towards us. I saw the men get up and start pushing past other people. The train doors didn’t open. I swiveled and kicked the glass out and climbed out swiftly. We ran own the tunnel, lighted by the flames of the train car.
“What did you do?” I screamed at Tom. “Did you kill anyone?!”
“No! It was empty!” he yelled back.
“But what did you do?!” I yelled.
“Bomb!” he smiled happily.
“A bomb?!” I shrieked. “Where did you get a freaking bomb?!”


Bill, Tom, and Indigo were at the far side of the hallway, waiting for the elevator. I grabbed them and towed them to the door to the stairwell as I flew down the hallway. Tripping and stumbling, I made it down about three steps before a boom blasted my eardrums and filled the room with black dust.
We pushed on blindly, holding onto the wall for support as we heard the cracking of the floor above. I raced faster.
Several floors down, I heard a crash behind and dared a glance back as the floor above the one we were on crashed down. By now there was screaming. I could hear it in the hallways as we flew down the stairs.
I was tired, my chest heaving as I tried to get air. The blackness covered my eyes, and cut off my air. Then I ran into a wall. I felt frantically around and found there was no other staircase. Only a door and the stairs up. I grabbed the handle on the door and pushed. And pulled. It didn’t move.
“Bill!” I screamed, hysteric. “Bill, help me! It won’t move” I could feel tears wetting my face.

The last exerpt is right before Bill dies. :(

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Have You Ever Been Fake?

I am getting so pissed off at Parkie and Millie. Seriously, especially Parkie. We’re sitting on the bus just talking and he started yelling “Brenda! Brenda!” like seriously for ten minutes. And he’s like yelling for her to take off the sunglasses. Seriously, why does he care? And then he starts bugging her about the hand glove she was wearing and then I’m still talking to Brenda and he’s like “Why do you wear that?” Thank god Allison answered him before Brenda hurt him. Or I hurt him. He’s such a flipping birdie. And he keeps talking to Millie about us and like slamming us and we’re sitting RIGHT NEXT TO HIM. He goes “They can’t hear us”. YES WE CAN. Just because we decide to ignore you to try not to rip your conceited, selfish head off, does not mean that we can’t hear you. And he thinks he’s sooo cool. No he’s not. Then Millie and her cult were getting off the bus (which is my stop, sadly), and Parkie is saying that he’s not gonna be here tomorrow (YES!!!!!) and he’s like “Bye everyone, I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow”. He needs to work on flirting. But anyways, I'm going past him, and he adds “Except Alanna.” I’m like “That’s a good thing!” I don’t think he appreciated that very much but I don’t care what the heck he thinks. He needs to learn tolerance for PEOPLE WITH THEIR OWN MINDS. He’s a jerk. Another excerpt:

“Bill,” Greene said after a few minutes of silence.
“Yes?” Bill’s jaw tightened. I saw Tom shaking minutely. With laughter, I assumed.
“You dress like that why?” Oh, shit! This must be the question Tom was telling me about earlier today….
“Because this is how I like to dress.”
“And that hair? And makeup? Makeup is for girls!” Greene pressed.
“I beg to differ, Mr. Greene, with all due respect.” All due respect meant ‘Screw you’ in Bill-language.
“How do girls pay attention to you when you look like one of them?” Greene seemed to have forgotten about us.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Greene, but you’re being very rude.” Bill’s voice was calm and collected, a sure sign that he was pissed off as hell.

Yay, happy days.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Not A Cult, But An Army

Hello my darlings. I have a new quote of the day! Actually, I say I have words/quotes of the day, but it’s actually just whenever I hear something cool. Today’s is a quote from Gerard Way (Brenda and Sarah love him to death). Apparently, a local newspaper said that emo was a “cult”. At one of My Chemical Romance’s concerts, Gerard said “We are not a cult, we are an army!”. I think that’s amazing. Because it is so true. Also, you know how teachers will talk about how society is pushing people to look a certain way? WHY DO PEOPLE ALWAYS LOOK AT ME, WHEN THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME AS THE MODELS IN HOLLISTER AND STORES LIKE THAT?! We are part of the part of society that encourages individuality, and not being afraid to be yourself. Like they’re not all clones. Anyways, I don’t feel like a huge rant. So another excerpt it is!

“Shut up!” Tom tried to fling Bill off the bed, but Bill ducked under his arms, and Tom’s momentum carried him off the bed. Bill fell down, laughing.

“Hey, where’s Indigo?” I asked, just noticing that she was gone.

“She went to go get dinner.” Tom replied from the floor.


He thought for a moment. “Twenty-seven seconds ago.”
“You were counting?” I asked, incredulous. He blushed.

“Ooh, looks who’s got a girlfriend!”Bill crowed. “At least I don’t count!” I got up and busied myself with organizing my laptop backpack.

“Oh, don’t even get me started; I can read your mind, remember? You should have heard yourself after you finished kissing her! Oh, wait, you did hear it! You’re so pathetic….”

Bill flipped him the bird. Tom jumped up and started to run onto the bed before he ran into a wall. An invisible one, not a real one; that would just be sad.

Hehe, this one’s from a while back.