Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Just For the Record, the Weather Today, Is Slightly Sarcastic With A Good Chance of SNOW.
I'm totally stressing out over school and actually started crying earlier because I'm going to fail and I'm not kidding. Urgh. I'll give more depth tomorrow, when my mom isn't right behind me.
( .)_(* )
And it's supposed to snow tomorrow. I hate cold.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Oh, No, I Just Keep On Falling
( .)_(* )
Friday, October 24, 2008
Meine 1000 Jahre
( .)_(*)
( .)_(*)
Thursday, October 23, 2008
What's Your Favorite Color, Punk?!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Homecoming, I'm Coming Home
Bill Kaulitz
Ain't that cool?!?!?!?!! OK, bye now.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I Don't Love You Like I Loved You Yesterday
Yes, I realize that this is a weird thing to get depressed over, but since basically everyone who's reading this is a Gerard-fanatic, imagine if Gerard...got plastic surgery (I couldn't think of anything else). People say he looks different, like his face isn't what people normally think of as "beautiful". Although that's a little more extreme, it's still equally depressing.
Bill, I shall miss who you used to be. You were why I didn't care what people thouoght. And that I didn't care about being "perfect". Thank you anyways.
The End.

Monday, October 20, 2008
Ich Muss Durch Den Monsun - Oh, I Wish. Rain, Please Come.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
OK, talk to y'all tomorrow. (And yes, I lived in Alabama. "Y'all" is fun to say even though I sound like a hick when I do it rather than people who actually live there who sound sweet)
Friday, October 17, 2008
Scream 'Till You Believe It
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Hate Momemt
I Can't Live Without You By My Side
Why Can't You Stay Just Long Enough To Explain
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Run, Don't Walk, The Sky Is Falling Through
“Kia,” a voice panted from a few feet away. The last voice I wanted to hear.
“What do you want, bitch? An apology? Too bad!” I flipped Bill off.
“No, not an apology. I wanted to explain.” His voice was calm, collected.
“I don’t effing care! Leave alone because I'm done, finished! You can go on your special god-chosen path, but leave me out of it!” I stood up.
“I'm not leaving without you.” He whispered, stepping closer.
“Damn you, just leave! I gave you everything I had left of myself, and you took it and destroyed it. I’m done.” I turned and walked down the road. When I felt a hand grab my arm, I whirled and slapped him across the face.
“I'm done, Bill. Let me go.” Again, I turned and began walking. But not before I saw the tortured look in his eyes. Now he knows how much it hurts. He didn’t stop me.
Nothing stays beautiful. Everything must end.
Isn't it beautiful? :'( I'm so mean to my characters! Anyways, I'll talk to you all tomorrow. Or post comments on your blog if I don't see you on a day-to-day basis. Such as Sarah and Alise. That's a cool name by the way, even though I probably just spelled it wrong. :) So that's all for now!
Instant Karma
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
If You Jump, I Will Jump Too
OK, moving on. I got a tom of songs that are totally awesome, which I'll elaborate on tomorrow. I love all of you so much (except Morgan and Allie-who needs to get in line)
Monday, October 13, 2008
Run Baby, Run, Don't Ever Look Back
Your Voice Was the Soundtrack of My Summer
Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer
Do you know youre unlike any other?
Youll always be my thunder, and I said
Your eyes are the brightest of all the colors
I dont wanna ever love another
You'll always be my thunder
So bring on the rain
And bring on the thunder
Nau I'm getting sad. :( That is the song that describes kind of how I feel about Bill/Tokio Hotel and life in general I guess. It's such a beautiful song and really has meaning. I guess this post is taking a music-rant direction. Music is really what got me through a lot, before I came closer to two or three of my friends. I was really depressed early on in the year, probably starting in January. I hated myself, and everyone around me. Before, ya I would listen to music sometimes and I would say that I liked music, but that's when I really turned to music. Towards the end of the school year, I was so close to killing myself or cutting myself. Thank God for Tokio Hotel. Other people are like "Oh, why do you listen to them? They're so weird!". Tokio Hotel really saved my life. I cry whenever I listen to "Don't Jump/Spring Nicht" or the music video for those. And I found other music too that saved me. And after that, everything just fell into place. Two other people I was friends with realized what we were a part of. Then, over the summer, at camp I really had a moment of supreme realization. Even now, I have so many problems, especially with my family and people at school, I still have music. And the three people who really helped me. That's why my dream is to make it in the music industry. Not because I want to be famous, but because I want to be able to affect someone's life like other people have mine. I don't want to be really popular 9or at least that's not my goal) but I want to know that I helped one person. Even if it's just one. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to have a perfect life, with everything absolutely right; nothing wrong. What would I be like now if I hadn't had to leave everything behind every few years, if my life wasn't taken away so many times. If I hadn't decided to break away from society and basically all the people I at one point considered my friends. But if none of that had happened, I wouldn't have the dreams I do now, not the goals, the memories that play constantly every day. What had happened to me my entire life, and especially recently have brought me more happiness than a perfect life could. Yeah, I still get really depressed and other people would think that I'm really morbid, but nothing has felt so right in such a long time. Finally, I think I am where I belong. This is my place, right here with the people I have. They're not many in number, but they're more than what the most popular person has. And I wish that everyone could have what I have: something to live for. Something real. I live to prove I can; to show that nothing is too much. God gives us trials to prove ourselves, to prove that we deserve what he has in store for us. Never tell me that You gave up Nothing can change What you've been given Live until your last breath Love until your heart stops Make every moment worth it.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Today's A Winding Road Tell Me Where To Go
I waited for Indigo to wash off and dry herself before we made our way back to the cave. When we ducked in, we saw Tom floating a few feet off the ground, struggling. It looked like invisible ropes had tied his hands and feet together, and a piece of tape had been put over his mouth. Bill was sitting on the other side of the room, arms crossed, glaring hatefully at his brother.
“Tom!” Indigo shrieked and ran over to him, tugging on his clothes. “Bill, put him down!” He scowled and his brother dropped.
“I'm going to freaking kill you!” Tom yelled and lunged for Bill. He hit an invisible wall. “I’ll kill you when you sleep! When…when…when I get you!” Bill looked bored. Tom was clawing at the invisible wall, trying to find a fault in it. Then he smiled smugly.
He sent Bill a telepathy message or whatever he wanted to call it. Bill yelled, “I do not! I don’t care what you heard, I don’t!” He was silent for a moment, and then spoke gain, in a quieter tone. “Really?” His eyes flickered over to me. Oh. Crap. I know what he told Bill: the subject of our conversation last night. I hate you, Tom! I screamed in my head.
“Shut up, you’re giving me a headache, Kia!” Tom replied. Bill stared at me. I looked away.
Sorry if a post an exerpt twice; I click to a random part and guess weather or not I've posted it. Just tell me and I'll repost a new exerpt.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Don't Come Any Closer, Don't Tell Me It's Over
“I couldn’t find the button, so I used my own method,” Tom shouted as he ran towards us. I saw the men get up and start pushing past other people. The train doors didn’t open. I swiveled and kicked the glass out and climbed out swiftly. We ran own the tunnel, lighted by the flames of the train car.
“What did you do?” I screamed at Tom. “Did you kill anyone?!”
“No! It was empty!” he yelled back.
“But what did you do?!” I yelled.
“Bomb!” he smiled happily.
“A bomb?!” I shrieked. “Where did you get a freaking bomb?!”
Bill, Tom, and Indigo were at the far side of the hallway, waiting for the elevator. I grabbed them and towed them to the door to the stairwell as I flew down the hallway. Tripping and stumbling, I made it down about three steps before a boom blasted my eardrums and filled the room with black dust.
We pushed on blindly, holding onto the wall for support as we heard the cracking of the floor above. I raced faster.
Several floors down, I heard a crash behind and dared a glance back as the floor above the one we were on crashed down. By now there was screaming. I could hear it in the hallways as we flew down the stairs.
I was tired, my chest heaving as I tried to get air. The blackness covered my eyes, and cut off my air. Then I ran into a wall. I felt frantically around and found there was no other staircase. Only a door and the stairs up. I grabbed the handle on the door and pushed. And pulled. It didn’t move.
“Bill!” I screamed, hysteric. “Bill, help me! It won’t move” I could feel tears wetting my face.
The last exerpt is right before Bill dies. :(
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Have You Ever Been Fake?
“Bill,” Greene said after a few minutes of silence.
“Yes?” Bill’s jaw tightened. I saw Tom shaking minutely. With laughter, I assumed.
“You dress like that why?” Oh, shit! This must be the question Tom was telling me about earlier today….
“Because this is how I like to dress.”
“And that hair? And makeup? Makeup is for girls!” Greene pressed.
“I beg to differ, Mr. Greene, with all due respect.” All due respect meant ‘Screw you’ in Bill-language.
“How do girls pay attention to you when you look like one of them?” Greene seemed to have forgotten about us.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Greene, but you’re being very rude.” Bill’s voice was calm and collected, a sure sign that he was pissed off as hell.
Yay, happy days.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Not A Cult, But An Army
Hello my darlings. I have a new quote of the day! Actually, I say I have words/quotes of the day, but it’s actually just whenever I hear something cool. Today’s is a quote from Gerard Way (Brenda and Sarah love him to death). Apparently, a local newspaper said that emo was a “cult”. At one of My Chemical Romance’s concerts, Gerard said “We are not a cult, we are an army!”. I think that’s amazing. Because it is so true. Also, you know how teachers will talk about how society is pushing people to look a certain way? WHY DO PEOPLE ALWAYS LOOK AT ME, WHEN THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME AS THE MODELS IN HOLLISTER AND STORES LIKE THAT?! We are part of the part of society that encourages individuality, and not being afraid to be yourself. Like they’re not all clones. Anyways, I don’t feel like a huge rant. So another excerpt it is!
“Shut up!” Tom tried to fling Bill off the bed, but Bill ducked under his arms, and Tom’s momentum carried him off the bed. Bill fell down, laughing.
“Hey, where’s Indigo?” I asked, just noticing that she was gone.
“She went to go get dinner.” Tom replied from the floor.
He thought for a moment. “Twenty-seven seconds ago.”
“You were counting?” I asked, incredulous. He blushed.
“Ooh, looks who’s got a girlfriend!”Bill crowed. “At least I don’t count!” I got up and busied myself with organizing my laptop backpack.
“Oh, don’t even get me started; I can read your mind, remember? You should have heard yourself after you finished kissing her! Oh, wait, you did hear it! You’re so pathetic….”
Bill flipped him the bird. Tom jumped up and started to run onto the bed before he ran into a wall. An invisible one, not a real one; that would just be sad.
Hehe, this one’s from a while back.