Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Sorry, I wanted to say something regarding Brenda's blog today. Her mom has like DAILY theories on why she dresses like she does. And especially regarding one comment: that no boys will like her if she dresses like that. First off, guys who like girls because they're hot are perverted jerks who think of women as sex symbols and mere worshipers. Ever wonder why guys rape women? Yeah, because they like to feel special and powerful. I'm getting off topic. Second, a guy should like you because of who you are and not how you dress. TRUE LOVE, people, you ever hear of it? Not caring what someone dresses like, or looks like, love just IS. It's not something you ignore. Third, maybe a guy DOES like when a girl dresses the way we do. Who knows? Certainly not Brenda's mom. Anyways, I just had to comment on that.


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