Friday, October 17, 2008

Scream 'Till You Believe It

Hey everyone! Today is Friiiidayyyy today is friiiidayyyyy! (does a happy dance). I'm so glad this week's over and now it's the weekend. Today nothing quite interesting happened except Amber gave Kira, Brenda, and I a pack of icing at lunch so we were hysterical for a while because of the sugar rush. Especially Kira. Anyways, I have absolutely no plans for the weekend. All I get to go is spaz out over my story because **teartear** I fear that it is coming to an end. Not that it's going to end right now or overr the weekend, but the ending conflict is coming. I shall resolve the conflict! Also, I tried putting the pages into format for a novel which is like 3 or 4 by 5 inches and it turned out to be over 260 pages! I think I might actually try to get this published...maybe. But that was quite shocking to me. But I need to weave government corruption in a little bit more before the ending conflict. And resolve the problem with Bill and Trevor (the new character I introduced who is kind of fighting against Bill for Kia; he just doesnt know it yet >:) I'm evil) because I don't know what's going to happen. According to Brenda and my iPods, everyone's going to drown at the end. >:( They're NOT GOING TO DROWN. Despite what Jumbie (My iPod; it's a Tokio Hotel thing) and Bobby Jr. (Brenda's iPod) say. I've got to go; I have ten minutes of internet left and haven't gotten enough CNN for today. See ya!

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