Friday, October 24, 2008

Meine 1000 Jahre

Mm, Friday at last. And it was with a proper send-off this week, might I add. In my last class, Civics, we had a sub today and there was a schedualed (I know I didn't spell that right) fire drill during that class period too. So Ben goes "OK, everyone, look at the 'In Case Of Emergency' paper". It's hanging on he wall. So he's looking at it and someone else and I started joking baout how Ben would be the one person to not go with the rest of the class and go to the wrong place. And, lo and behold, when the fire drill shounded and we all rushed out behind the school, Ben was no where to be found. Alas, when we got back upstairs, he was sitting in his desk. Turns out, he was the only one who went the right way; out the front of the school. It so figures. Anyways, apparently Millie's mom thinks I'm depressed. Now, I love her parents; they're awesome. But really, her mom ran the school store during lunch this week or last week and watched my friends and I fall off our chairs laughing the entire lunch period. What?! Me just no gets that. Sorry, I'm like really riled up today so I feel like doing something to Millie just to do something. ( .)_(*) Looopy. Hehe, that's really fun to do. And *I* just made it up. ( .)_(*) Ahaha!

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