Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Not A Cult, But An Army

Hello my darlings. I have a new quote of the day! Actually, I say I have words/quotes of the day, but it’s actually just whenever I hear something cool. Today’s is a quote from Gerard Way (Brenda and Sarah love him to death). Apparently, a local newspaper said that emo was a “cult”. At one of My Chemical Romance’s concerts, Gerard said “We are not a cult, we are an army!”. I think that’s amazing. Because it is so true. Also, you know how teachers will talk about how society is pushing people to look a certain way? WHY DO PEOPLE ALWAYS LOOK AT ME, WHEN THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME AS THE MODELS IN HOLLISTER AND STORES LIKE THAT?! We are part of the part of society that encourages individuality, and not being afraid to be yourself. Like they’re not all clones. Anyways, I don’t feel like a huge rant. So another excerpt it is!

“Shut up!” Tom tried to fling Bill off the bed, but Bill ducked under his arms, and Tom’s momentum carried him off the bed. Bill fell down, laughing.

“Hey, where’s Indigo?” I asked, just noticing that she was gone.

“She went to go get dinner.” Tom replied from the floor.


He thought for a moment. “Twenty-seven seconds ago.”
“You were counting?” I asked, incredulous. He blushed.

“Ooh, looks who’s got a girlfriend!”Bill crowed. “At least I don’t count!” I got up and busied myself with organizing my laptop backpack.

“Oh, don’t even get me started; I can read your mind, remember? You should have heard yourself after you finished kissing her! Oh, wait, you did hear it! You’re so pathetic….”

Bill flipped him the bird. Tom jumped up and started to run onto the bed before he ran into a wall. An invisible one, not a real one; that would just be sad.

Hehe, this one’s from a while back.

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