Friday, October 3, 2008

Week Revelations

Happy Friday everyone! It's been a long time coming, huh? Sorry, I'm way to excited. Anyways, I would like to make one comment regarding school: I hate my English teacher. No need to elaborate, but I do not like her because hate's a strong word. And English class in general. ESPECIALLY CROSSING THE WIRE THAT IS THE DUMBEST BOOK EVER! So my lovelies, I would like to thank Sarah for her wonderful insight into yesterday's blog. It was wonderful. So, us here in Virginia are freezing our axles off since its so freaking cold here. And my parents keep ALL THE WINDOWS OPEN at night, probably to make me turn into a frigiting ice cube. I would like to say that Brenda did a very lovely job of flipping of Alex Parker (who seriously deserves it; he needs an attitude adjustment and a whack in the head). Mrs. Stratton turned out to be a once-punk-rocker when she was a teenager which was like, awesome! And....yeah. So, what are everyone's plans for the weekend? I WANT TO GO TO THE MALL! Not kidding, I need a million dollars to get everything I want. Several billion including Bill Kaulitz. <333 Sorry. Anyways, I'm going to get back to and William on TAI TV which I've been watching all day.


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